Blame can be a negative emotion that many恐慌症sufferers struggle to get past. Learn to overcome your negative thinking patterns and put an end to blame.
Blame is a type of cognitive distortion, or habitual negative thinking pattern, which can reinforce feelings of dissatisfaction, sadness, and fear.Cognitive therapyis based on the idea that our thoughts can dictate our emotional well-being. Therefore, pessimistic thoughts can contribute to symptoms of沮丧and anxiety.
人们diagnosed with panic disorderoften struggle with faulty thinking. Blaming occurs when the person takes their attention off the actual problem and blames themselves or others for the situation. People who experience frequent惊恐发作可能对自己感到不安,因为“失去控制”或感到焦虑。
Such thoughts only add to feelings of self-defeat and contribute to避免行为. Instead of self-blame, the person would be better off focusing their attention on ways to effectively manage their condition, such as developing relaxation techniques.
Sheila suffers from panic disorder andagoraphobia很少让她的家。她想靠近她的大家庭,但已经很难过解释她的病情to them. She has spent the last months worrying about whether or not she would be able to attend her niece’s wedding. When her niece’s wedding day arrives, Shelia feels too anxious to go. She tells herself, “I am so pathetic. This is all my fault. I should have known I wouldn’t be brave enough to go. I blame myself for the distance between me and my family.”
Ben thought to himself, “I can’t understand these questions because my instructor is so terrible. It is his fault that I am dropping this class!” Ben did not have any complaints about the instructor until he was unable to do this one assignment.
Rethink It
Instead of facing her issues withagoraphobia, Sheila is blaming herself for not attending the wedding. Her inability to go to the wedding is a symptom of her condition. Rather than spending months worrying about the wedding, Sheila could have taken that time to begin to work through her issues, such as looking into治疗方案恐慌症。这并不意味着她本来可以参加婚礼,但她必须朝着她的目标努力而不是责备自己的病情。
The tendency to blame oneself or others often occurs at times when overwhelming issues arise.
Blame is a way to avoid dealing with the problem. When issues come up in your life, notice if you tend to blame yourself or others instead of coping with the issues at hand.
Do you blame yourself or others for your struggle with panic attacks? It can be very difficult to do, but sometimes we need tolearn how to forgive我们都和他人。这可以帮助我们生活更快乐,更富有成效的生活。当我们放弃责备时,我们能够向前迈进,并履行我们的个人目标,并以我们的问题为准。