How Bad Relationships Affect Your Health


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您可能已经听过或假设,这种关系对您的健康,长寿和预期寿命有利。一般来说,这是真实的 - 除非关系很糟糕。任何经历着艰难的离婚者,都处理困难的父母或儿童,或者有一个背叛的朋友知道这不是allrelationships are good for your health. If a person in our lives creates stress and problems, that has an impact on well-being too.



那些报道“不利”密切关系的人有一个34% increase甚至在考虑重量,社会支持和其他因素之后,仍然存在发展心脏问题的风险。这是一个非常大幅增加。更新的研究,如a密歇根大学从2016年开始研究,支持这一发现,并指出“压力和[否定]关系质量直接影响心血管系统。”

In other studies, researchers have found:

  • 社会隔离与炎症和高血压有关。一种审查二十年的研究, published in 2016, underlined the connection between being socially isolated and the risk ofinflammation, comparing isolation to physical inactivity in adolescence. The same study reported that social isolation could be riskier than clinical factors, like diabetes, when it came to hypertension (high blood pressure).
  • Prolonged conflict with other peoplewas strongly associated with lower self-rated health and more health issues, according to a调查超过650名成年人over two years. Any kind of stress, whether it's due to a lousy relationship with a lousy person or a demanding job, has a remarkable impact on the efficacy of the immune system.

When a Bad Relationship Goes Unacknowledged

Suppressing your feelings is unhealthy, especially when those feelings are anger or resentment.一些研究表明年轻夫妻倾向于死当伙伴甲型肝炎e different styles of coping with anger; the more severe the mismatch, the greater the risk of early death for both partners.

In some relationships, one person might be very dissatisfied, while the other is completely unaware of an issue. Addressing this situation means conflict, but that conflict does not have to end a relationship.

有效的冲突解决可以改善和修复关系。未解决的冲突是糟糕的,但拙劣的尝试达到了决议甚至更糟糕。您如何选择解决冲突将会影响anyrelationship in which you're involved. If you're dealing with extreme conflict, couples counseling or individual therapy can be very helpful..

How to Handle Bad Relationships


Unfortunately, some negative people can't always be avoided, particularly if they家庭。在这种情况下,使用放松技巧让压力这些遭遇原因。学习如何积极管理您的互动有困难的人,所以他们对你的健康和生活产生了影响。

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