

There’s plenty of solid evidence that how we think about what’s going on in our lives can greatly contribute to whether or not we find events in our lives stressful.认知扭曲那or patterns of faulty thinking, can impact our thoughts, behaviors, and experience of stress.


认知重组,一个认识的过程,challenging, and changing cognitive distortions and negative thought patterns can be accomplished with the help of a therapist trained in认知治疗or认知行为治疗


Here are some tips onchanging negative self-talk

Awareness Is the First Step


To be better able to recognize distortions when they come into play, familiarize yourself witha list并在景观中。一旦你知道要寻找什么,你可以在自己和其他人身上识别他们,然后开始具有挑战性和改变它们。随着时间和实践,这种类型的认知重组可能会变得更加自动。


当我们在某种情况下感到别无选择时,它可以产生重大压力甚至导致burnout。The statement, “I can’t work out because I have to volunteer at the kids’ school again,” ignores the reality that both activities are choices. Just because one choice isn’t chosen doesn’t mean it wasn’t a choice, to begin with.

Changing your ‘have to’s and ‘can’t’s’ into ‘choose to’ and ‘choose not to’ (or some smoother-sounding approximations) can actually remind you that you do have a choice in a situation, and help you feel less stressed. “I’d like to work out, but I choose to volunteer at the kids’ school instead,” feels less confined, and sounds more fun, doesn’t it? Soon, you'll become more automatic in amending your cognitive distortions, and know-how to develop a morepositive way思考,减轻压力正在进行中。


It's easier to tackle a challenge when you feel that you're doing it because you想要而不是因为你have to。In this vein, the word“应该”是压力的预兆。它让我们大多数人觉得有正确的方法和错误的方式做事,而且我们必须做一定的方式。


Actively Focus on the Positive

Along these lines, many people find that keeping a欣喜杂志— a daily log of things for which they are grateful — is immensely helpful. It not only supplies a list of blessings to look over, but it trains the mind to notice these blessings throughout the day, and can reduce their whole experience of stress.


尽量留在现在,专注于具体问题,找到有效的解决方案。这可以有效帮助您处理各种各样的压力源without becoming overwhelmed.

再次,如果您正在处理更严重的压力或临床疾病,您将看到培训的治疗师最好的结果。然而,这些认知重组的这些技术可能有助于改变负面思维模式relieve daily stress;通过练习,您可能会在您的压力经验中看到展望和减少的显着积极变化。

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