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Your explanatory style affects your life in ways you may not realize. It can minimize your stress response or exacerbate it. It can keep you feeling safe in socially dangerous situations, or endangered in relatively safe ones. It can motivate you when you're faced with challenges or leave you feeling vulnerable to them.





This has to do with how you perceive thepermanenceof a situation. Is it changing across time or unchanging? Do you expect things to get better or worse, or stay exactly as they are for a long time? This can make a difference in how stressful something seems. If you are taking a stressful class in school, you at least know that the class will be over in a few months (whereas a stressful job may be something to deal with for years).

Global vs. Local

在你的生活中是一个压力源普遍(即,普遍存在)? Or is it specific to a part of your life? A good example of this is the feeling of having good or bad luck. If you feel yourself to be unlucky (bad luck pervades throughout your life), one negative experience may seem like an omen that more bad things are to come. Likewise, if you attribute a poor performance at work as being due to something global like a perceived inability to do the job well, one failure may seem like a sign of more failures to come. Someone who views one poor performance as being a sign of a bad day or lack of sleep—something more local and less global—will have an easier time shaking off one failure.

Internal vs. External

Do you see the cause of an event as within yourself (个性化) or outside yourself? If you are having a difficult day and you see it as being "your fault," you'll feel more stressed than if you see it as due to factors other than you. Likewise, when you are facing conflict with others, seeing the problem as being rooted in something that is "their problem" rather than "your fault" can help you to take things less personally and feel less hurt.


Explanatory Style and Your Stress Levels

解释性款式影响我们如何感知世界,这可能影响我们对压力的经验以及我们对压力源的反应。如果我们有一个积极的解释性的风格,我们可能会感到挑战性的经历,因为积极的解释性风格可以最大限度地减少压力源的感知严重程度 - 他们看起来不是那么大的交易,将很快,不是我们的错,并不一定会复发。

Negative explanatory styles tend to create more stress in life and can make our stressors feel more threatening.

As you may have guessed,乐观主义者tend to have more positive explanatory styles—ones that minimize stressful situations as unstable, local, and external and take credit for positive experiences as being more stable, global, and internal.

Pessimists tend to see things in the opposite way, which can make stress seem like a bigger deal than it may need to be, and expands stressful feelings and even, research shows,抑郁症状。研究还表明,负面解释式风格的人可能会恢复更多的麻烦heart transplantsand other压力生活事件


解释性款式可通过关注和练习来改变。你需要学习认识到自己的认知扭曲和实践cognitive restructuring techniquesto change those distortions. Doing so can lead to a change in explanatory styles from a negative explanatory style to a more positive one.

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