Raising Your Self Esteem for Stress Relief

Joyous woman in front of wall

Tim Robberts / Getty Images

The way you feel about yourself, yourself-esteemimpacts your happiness level and also can make life more or less stressful for you. For example, if you trust your能够处理什么, you will be more likely to see difficult situations as a challenge instead of as a threat; conversely, if you don’t trust your own ability to handle things, you will be more likely to see new situations as threatening and stress-provoking. "Self-efficacy" is the feeling that you are capable and resourceful, and this can contribute both to self-esteem and stress management.

There are several things you can do to raise your self-esteem and self-efficacy that are also highly effective stress relievers. This can work in multiple ways to help you feel more in control of your life and build resilience. It can also help you to enjoy your life more. If you feel that your self-esteem could use a boost, these are the activities to try. See what resonates with you, and give them a try.

Work on Your Optimism

如果您能够培养将玻璃视为半满的玻璃的能力,这可能会导致自我效能的感受以及整体幸福和高枕无忧。而且,有许多经过验证的benefits to optimism, so developing a greater sense of it, creating thinking habits that skew toward optimism, can provide these benefits for your health and general happiness. Optimism involves more than simply "looking on the bright side," however; it is a trait that can be developed by shifting your focus and self-talk, but there need to be specific ways in which you view the world. Learn more about how to become an optimistic thinker.

Develop Positive Self-Talk

One thing that has a major influence on a person’s self-esteem is their "self-talk," the way they talk to themselves, interpret things and comment on life inside their heads. A thinking style that is habitually negative can perpetuate a negative view of one’s life and self, as well as cause other problems. The following resources can help you to better understand your self-talk and alter it to a more positive way of thinking, helping you to see yourself and the world in a more positive way.

  • 测验:你是一个乐观主义者吗?
    • Your thoughts color your world and your perception of yourself. Learn how positive or negative yours are!
  • 消极的自我谈话和压力
    • Self-talk is the internal dialogue we use to view the world, explain situations and communicate to ourselves, and the type of self-talk you use—negative self-talk or positive self-talk—can affect the level of stress you experience. Learn why, and find resources for change.
  • 积极的自我谈话
    • 消极的自我谈话可以限制你,增加压力水平,并对自己的自我概念产生不利影响。以下是某种方式,您可以通过促进积极自我谈话的习惯来阻止损坏您的消极自我谈判,从而减少压力并改善您的生活。


Even simply becoming immersed in hobbies can help with self-esteem Learning what you are able to do well can provide you with a new view of yourself and a new level of self-respect. Hobbies can also help you to relieve stress, so hobbies can provide a double-win.


