发展一种态度gratitude对生活中的人,事物和事件是一种生命肯定和有效的方式来加强你的emotional resilienceand reduce stress, among other things. Maintaining a gratitude journal makes it easy to get in the habit of focusing on the positive in your life while also reaping the日记上的好处。
The following aresimple steps维持一种感恩杂志,这是一个有用的压力管理工具。万博manbetx是正规公司吗
- Decide on a Journal.您可能希望在线或纸质形式维护您的期刊。在确定要使用的轴颈方法时,请考虑:
- 无论您是否愿意键入或打印。如果您在电脑上整天花,请在纸上写作可能是一个很好的变化。
- 在你想做的大部分写作。你想在睡觉前在床上杂志吗?你可以每晚独自偷几分钟吗?
- Whether privacy is an issue that may affect your decision. Keep in mind that a computer is not entirely secure, especially online word processing software. Likewise, your personal laptop may be better if you'd like to keep your thoughts private in your home.
- 决定框架。您可以构建您的日记帐分录的许多方法。如果需要,请为您提供最适合的事情,然后更改它。主要思想是让自己进入一个反思和感恩的地方。
- You can write long, descriptive paragraphs about what you appreciate in your daily life.
- Your gratitude journal can consist entirely of lists.
- You can write a preset number of items per entry (10 per day, for example).
- 您可以决定在特定一天写下任何似乎是正确的。
- 提交时间表。您感恩期刊的长期成功的一个重要方面是您使用它的频率。
- It's usually best to aim for once a day or several times per week in the beginning, but allow yourself some wiggle room if things get busy.
- 您希望致力于让您激发灵感的承诺,即使您并不总是在心情中,因为这项练习可以提供帮助change你的心情。
- Just don't allow your schedule to be so rigid that you'll be tempted to give up the whole plan if you slip up once or twice.
- Just Keep Writing.许多人发现他们的整个态度一旦他们一直在留住谢意。他们倾向于在整天中注意到他们可能希望在日志中包含的事情,他们不会被注意的事情。
- To maintain a more optimistic attitude, be sure to write regularly.
- 如果您发现自己正在增加频率越来越多的日子,请轻轻提醒自己为什么要保持感激之情日志首先。
- 感激你能够随时回到你想要的任何时候写作的习惯。请享用!
4 Tips for Gratitude Journaling
- Gratitude journals tend to be most effective when you write about three items at the end of each day. This is regular enough and simple enough to be do-able and writing at the end of the day tends to bring the best benefits.
- 请记住,您可能希望将来阅读您的日记帐分钟。当你感到压力或沮丧时,这可能是一个很棒的挑选。
- 试验你写的东西的类型。如果你发现自己总是提到明显的事情(“我很感激我的孩子”),每天都会挑战自己注意到这种微妙的东西(“今天我有焦糖冰淇淋蛋糕,而且它很棒!”)
- 记住,感恩所有不需要干腊肠ed for the journal. Tell the people in your life how much you appreciate them. From people in your family to sales clerks and postal employees you encounter in your day, everyone likes to know that they're appreciated. Their positive reactions can help put you in apositive mood, too!