
Hispanic woman thinking on bed
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  • 感到控制和焦虑下一个情绪正在发生
  • Feeling unable to manage your emotions and stay in control
  • Choosing an unhealthy way to cope with your PTSD emotions, such as避免or自我药物用非法毒品或酒精

在极度令人沮丧的情况下,有些人可能会使用解离(“消隐”或觉得你的情绪与你断开连接)到他们自己远离allaspects of an emotion.

Why It's Better to Know Exactly What You're Feeling


但是,你可能想知道,不是治疗方法effective? Yes, but not every healthy coping strategy works the same for every emotional experience. For example,表达写作而且可能比愤怒更适合悲伤,而拿一个“超时”可能更有效地升级敌意的感情。



Every emotion has three parts:

  1. 你的想法: Ideas or images that pop into your head when you're feeling an emotion
  2. 你的身体感觉:当您感到一种情感时,身体的物理变化(例如,心率增加,或恶心)
  3. 你的行为: The action you feel like taking when you're feeling an emotion

If you're like most people, with or without PTSD, you probably haven't been aware of the three parts of your emotions or the different ways those parts may affect how you feel.


Identifying Your Emotions According to Their Parts

Listed below are some forms that the three parts of commonly-felt PTSD emotions may take.


  • 思想:“我处于危险之中。可怕的事情会发生。”
  • 身体感觉:赛车听到t, "tunnel vision," shortness of breath
  • Behaviors:逃避局面,“冻结”,哭了


  • 思想:"My situation is never going to change. I'm all alone in this."
  • 身体感觉:Low energy, slower heart rate, nausea
  • Behaviors:隔离自己,哭泣


  • 思想:“生活是不公平的。每个人都要得到我。”
  • 身体感觉:赛车心脏,肌肉张力,颌骨咬紧
  • Behaviors:大喊大叫,采摘战斗,砰的门


Choosing a Coping Strategy to Match Your Emotion

Once you've identified at least one or two thoughts, physical sensations, and behaviors connected to an emotion you're feeling, you can start thinking about the type of coping strategy that might be best for managing it.

For example, if you're experiencing an emotion that causes increased heart rate and muscle tension, you may want to try a coping strategy to bring those physical sensations down, such asprogressive muscle relaxationordeep breathing

Now that you've learned how to identify your PTSD emotions, hopefully you're feeling better about managing them. Fortunately you can choose from a number ofhealthy coping strategies

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  1. 美国退伍军人事务部。创伤提醒:触发器。Updated January 7, 2020.