A fear of failure can produce emotional and behavioral symptoms. Some of the common signs of this fear include:
- Anxiety
- 避免
- Feeling a loss of control
- Helplessness
- Powerlessness
识别the Fear of Failure
- Believing that you don't have the skills or knowledge to achieve something
- 感觉你将无法实现目标
- 拖延它影响您的表现或准时完成的能力
- 告诉人们可能会失败,以便期望仍然很低
- Underestimating your own abilities to avoid feeling let down
- Worrying that imperfections or shortcomings will make other people think less of you
- Worrying that you will disappoint others if you fail
In some cases, the fear of failure may cause people to avoid trying altogether. Because they are so afraid that they will try and not succeed, they simply decide not to try at all in order to prevent potential pain, embarrassment, or disappointment.
虽然没有失败的恐惧未被列为一个不同的条件精神障碍的诊断和统计手册,第五版(DSM-5), it is possible that you might be diagnosed with a特定恐惧症if your symptoms meet certain diagnostic criteria. In order to be diagnosed with a specific phobia, your symptoms must:
- 涉及过度和不合理的恐惧
- Involve an immediate anxiety response
- Be marked by avoidance or extreme distress
- 限制您正常运行的能力
- Last as least six months and not be due to another condition
- 批判性培养:在家庭长大的人critical or unsupportive may be more likely to experience a fear of failure. Because they felt that they could never live up to their family's expectations during childhood, they may continue to fear making mistakes as adults.
- 失败的定义:人们经常有不同的故障意味着什么。对于某些人来说,这意味着没有完全达到他们计划的东西。这可以创造一系列的期望,这很难辜负。
- 创伤:经历了困难甚至创伤失败的人也可能非常害怕在未来重复这种经历。有一个panic attackduring a presentation or being ridiculed for your performance, for example, could contribute to feelings of fear. Negative consequences resulting from failure, such as losing a job or not getting into a college, can also be risk factors that contribute to the fear of failure.
A fear of failure can take a toll on a person’s belief in their abilities and their motivation to pursue their goals.
- 低的自尊心:恐惧失败的人也可能会从事负面的自我谈话或具有低的自信心,使得难以追求目标。
- 可怜的动机: When people fear failure, they may also experience a lack ofmotivation这使得难以开始项目并向目标工作。当某些事情似乎太挑战或涉及学习新技能时,人们可能只是放弃或拒绝参与其中。
- Self-sabotage:对于恐惧失败的人来说,这并不罕见self-handicapping这破坏了自己的成功机会。例如,研究发现,恐惧失败的学生经常从事自我障碍行为,实际上限制了学术成功和永久性失败。
- 耻辱: The fear of failure often stems from a fear of experiencing耻辱或尴尬。失败可以触发感情毫无价值,所以避免首先尝试,有时可以作为一种保护自我免受失望,后悔和悲伤的一种方式。
治疗for the fear of failure depends on a variety of factors including how you experience this fear and the impact that it has on your life. In many cases, people can use self-help strategies to cope with these feelings.
- 心理治疗can help you address the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that contribute to a fear of failure.
- 药物may be prescribed to help you manage feelings of anxiety or depression that might be linked to your fear.
In many cases, a combination of these two treatment options with lifestyle changes may be the most effective
- Consider the outcomes: Sometimes thinking about the worst possible outcome—and then coming up with a plan for how you’ll deal with it—can help reduce anxiety when you are pursuing your goals.
- 专注于您可以控制的事情:而不是担心您没有权力的情况的方面,将您的能量集中在您可以控制的事情上。
- 未雨绸缪:当您面临可能引发对失败的恐惧的挑战时,在开发替代计划的情况下,如果您的初步努力不按计划进行。拥有B(或计划c)的计划可以帮助您感到不那么焦虑和更安全。
- Redefine failure: Changing how you think about failure may also help reduce your feelings of fear. Failure is part of life and can be an important opportunity to learn and acquire new skills. It can certainly be disappointing, but it is important to maintain a healthy perspective toward the potential benefits of failing from time to time. Remember that success is often reached through a series of progressive failures that lead to new information, skills, and strategies.
- 用positive thinking:避免消极的自我谈话,可以破坏你的信心并产生焦虑的感觉。相反,努力思考更像是一个乐观主义,以保持你的动力。
Visualization May Backfire
A Word From Verywell
The fear of failure is something that everyone experiences from time to time, but this can become much more problematic when such feelings become persistent. Practice self-compassion and work on taking small steps toward building your confidence and managing your fears.