如果你有健康问题,或者只是想改善你的健康状况,可能有一些行为阻碍了你。我们经常谈论那些应该be doing for optimum health and well-being, but we don't talk as much about the things we need tostop doing。
Sometimes these behaviors are simply things that you do that get in the way of success, like
- 吃错了东西
- succumbing to addictions
- 自责
- isolating yourself
- 或者害怕寻求帮助
你可能会认为如果你有上瘾,你需要停止做什么是显而易见的;只是停止上瘾的行为。事实上,有许多相关的事情,你做,或其他人可能正在为你做,这是造成麻烦克服上瘾。Find out what these behaviors are so that you can stop doing them.
If you suffer with bone, muscle, or joint pain, it is sometimes difficult to know how hard to push yourself. It also becomes easy to start blaming or criticizing yourself.
•如果你有腰痛,要停止做10件事:Back pain is no fun. Stop doing these things and instead, focus on correct posture and exercises that help strengthen the back.
•10 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself if You Have Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
•10 Things to Stop Doing if You Have Breast Cancer:Stop trying to be superwoman, stop being passive about your treatment, and stop letting the diagnosis定义你。
Digestive health issues are not only painful and life-altering, but they can be hard to talk about with other people. If you have a digestive health problem, such as celiac disease or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) there are things you can stop doing that will improve your health and well-being.
锻炼is important for keeping your body healthy. Whether you are a walker, a runner, a yogi, or practice another sport, be sure you are not engaging in behaviors that are sabotaging your success.
•如果你想减肥,就不要做10件事:If you want to lose weight by walking, stop finding excuses not to walk, thinking that you are burning more calories than you really are, and eating like you just walked a marathon.
•要避免的11个常见运行错误:Stop wearing the wrong shoes, ignoring pain, and skipping the warm-up.
•10 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself in Yoga Class:瑜珈是一种很受欢迎的方式,作为一种冷静的思想和伸展和加强身体。在课堂上有许多行为你可能想停止,包括比较自己与他人。
•10 Things to Stop Doing if You Want to Be an Empowered Patient:If you want to be an empowered patient, stop accepting doctor's orders without a discussion, taking prescription drugs without careful review and thinking you can go it alone without help of a friend, family member or patient advocate.
•10 Things to Stop Doing if You Have an Eating Disorder:如果你患有饮食失调,你可能知道你在做什么应该你在做什么呢应该n'tyou be doing?
•如果你的青少年有进食障碍,要停止做10件事:If your adolescent suffers with an eating disorder, stop criticizing your own appearance.
•如果您、朋友或爱人患有双相情感障碍,请不要做10件事:如果你患有双相情感障碍,或者你是父母、朋友、爱人或其他人,你应该做的事情清单family member of someone with the disorder.我想你可能有bipolar disorder? Don't hide symptoms from your doctor because yourdiagnosis might be missed。
•如果你有社交焦虑症,你应该停止对自己做10件事:If you suffer withsocial anxiety disorder保守秘密太容易了,以为你是孤独的,而不是孤独的寻求帮助。
•如果你的爱人患有社交焦虑症,你应该停止做10件事:If someone that you love has social anxiety disorder, stop placing blame, being overly critical, and assuming you know what that person needs from you.
•如果你想帮助不孕患者,就不要做以下10件事:If you know someone with fertility issues you might not be sure how to handle the situation, especially if you are pregnant or have children. Sensitivity and empathy are important; so are knowing those things you should stop saying or doing.
•10 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself After a Pregnancy Loss:Miscarriage and pregnancy loss are difficult enough, without the added stress of doing things like blaming yourself, trying to cope on your own, and worrying about what other people think.
•如果你想有效地控制生育,就不要做10件事:If you want to have effective birth control, stop putting off talking about it with your partner and relying on your partner for contraception.
•10 Things to Stop Doing When You Have Acne:如果你患有痤疮,你可能会做一些事情,比如责备自己,过度清洁你的皮肤,或者在“奇迹疗法”上浪费金钱。这些和其他行为都不能修复你的痤疮,所以你最好停止这样做。
Weight Loss
Whether you are trying to lose weight yourself, have a child who is overweight, or are trying out a specialized diet like low-carb, there are some things you just shouldn't do.
•如果你想减肥,就不要做10件事:Just can't find the time to exercise? Joined the gym but spend more time socializing than exercising? If this is you, its important to recognize the things that you do that sabotage your weight loss efforts.
•10 Things to Stop Doing if Your Child is Overweight:What should you stop doing if your child is overweight? For starters, stop using food as a reward and stop enabling sedentary behavior.
•10 Things to Stop Doing on a Low-Carb Diet:如果你在低碳水化合物饮食,停止喝含糖饮料,害怕吃脂肪,让你的饮食计划变得无聊和重复。
•10 Things to Stop Doing if You Want to Live Longer:停止做像吃快餐、吸烟和没有得到足够的锻炼这样的事情。放下愤怒和保持社交也意味着长寿。