Are you wondering how you can cope with a drunk mother during the holidays, or how you can help her? Have friends told you that you are an enabler for your spouse? Do you find yourself suffering the consequences of a loved one's alcohol problem?
当一个被爱的人与酗酒一起生活时,很难听到你需要改变自己。毕竟,这是他们的问题,不是吗?不幸的是,你只能改变自己,你可以中断和改变与人物互动的当前课程的唯一方法substance use disordersis to change your reactions.
Those who live or have lived withactive alcoholicsor anyone struggling withaddiction发现他们受到体验的深感影响。多次,挫折和压力可能是由您自己的行为和选择引起的。
但如果他们变得真正沉迷于酒精,他们brain chemistry可能已经改变为他们所做的一些选择完全感到惊讶。他们可能无法控制自己的决策。
Trying to Control It
Many family members of alcoholics naturally try everything they can think of to get their loved one to stop drinking. Unfortunately, this usually results in leaving the alcoholic's family members feeling lonely and frustrated.
You may tell yourself that surely there is something that you can do. But the reality is that not even alcoholics can control their drinking, try as they may. Even knowing that, you may still want to帮助你所爱的人当他们在危机的中间。
实际上,这通常是家庭的时间shoulddo nothing. When a person with a substance use problem reaches a crisis point, sometimes that's the time the person finally admits they have a problem and begins to reach out for help.
Let a Crisis Happen
For those who love someone living with an addiction, it is非常difficult to sit back a let the crisis play out to its fullest extent. When someone you love reaches the point in their substance use when they get a DUI, lose their job, or get thrown in jail, it can be a difficult concept to accept that the best thing you can do in the situation is to do nothing.
它看起来可能会反对你相信的一切。不幸的是,这导致循环重复...无限期。你不必造成危机,但是learning detachment将帮助您允许危机 - 这可能是创建变革的唯一方法 - 发生。
Trying to Cure It
Make no mistake about it, alcoholism and酒精依赖are primary, chronic, and progressive diseases that sometimes can be fatal. You are not a healthcare professional, and even if you are, you should not carry the responsibility for treating friends or family members.
Even though it is not your responsibility to "cure" your loved one's alcoholism, you may be interested in knowing some of the让饮酒者想要停止的事情以及一些妨碍酗酒清醒的东西的一些事情。
你不妨考虑一个家庭干预。在调查暂存干预的方法之前,花一点时间阅读关于如何关心自己 - 不仅适合自己,而且因为它往往是一个瘾的人才能得到他们所需要的帮助。
If you or a loved one are struggling with substance use or addiction, contact theSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline在1-800-662-4357for information on support and treatment facilities in your area.
For more mental health resources, see our国家助理数据库。
关于恢复圈有一个笑话拒绝酗酒who screams, "I don't have a problem, so don't tell anyone!" Alcoholics typically do not want anyone to know the level of their alcohol consumption because if someone found out the full extent of the problem, they might try to help.
You slowly begin to accept more and more unacceptable behavior. Before you realize it, you can find yourself in a full-blown abusive relationship.
Abuse is never acceptable. You do not have to accept unacceptable behavior in your life. You do have choices.
Protect your children, and don't hesitate to keep your child away from someone who drinks and does not respect your boundaries.Growing up in an alcoholic homecan leave lasting scars.
Having Unreasonable Expectations
One problem of dealing with an alcoholic is what might seem like a reasonable expectation in some circumstances, might be totally unreasonable when it comes to someone with an addiction. When alcoholics swear to you and to themselves that they will never touch another drop, you might naturally expect that they are sincere and they won't drink again.
Living in the Past
Enabling Their Behavior
通常,在试图“帮助”中,善意的亲人实际上会做一些让酗酒者能够沿着他们的破坏性道路继续。找出what enabling is并确保你不做任何事情bolsters the alcoholic's denial or prevents them from facing the natural consequences of their actions.
- The alcoholic never feels the pain.
- It takes the focus off of the alcoholic's behavior.
For example, if your loved one passes out in the yard, and you carefully help them into the house and into bed, only you feel the pain. The focus then becomes what you did—moved them—rather than what they did, drinking so much that they passed out outside.
It is not your job to "cure" your loved one's alcoholism, but allowing natural consequences to occur is one factor that can push a person from the pre-contemplative stage to contemplative stage of克服瘾。
After years of covering up for the alcoholic and not talking about "the problem" outside the family, it may seem daunting to reach out for help from a support group, such asAl-Anon家族团体。
Guaranteed Prescription for Recovery
The July 2013 issue of theDMC Campfire时事通讯以旨在为题为瘾君子的家族为特色的文章,“我该如何帮助?”该文章包括DMC呼叫“保证恢复处方。您可以开始做的事情来帮助您的爱人。”
- 我不再需要否认我们家庭中成瘾的存在。
- I no longer have to control the addict's using.
- 我不再需要拯救瘾君子。
- 我不再需要倾听瘾君子的使用原因。
- I no longer have to accept or extract promises.
- I no longer have to seek advice from the ill-informed.
- 我不再需要唠叨,讲道,同轴或姿态。
- 我不再需要允许瘾君子虐待我或我的孩子。
- 我不再必须成为成瘾的受害者。