Many times when family and friends try to "help" alcoholics, they are actually making it easier for them to continue in the progression of the disease.
This baffling phenomenon is called enabling, which takes many forms, all of which have the same effect—allowing the alcoholic to avoid the consequences of his actions.
If you answered "yes" to most or all of the questions, you have not only enabled the alcoholic, you have probably become a major contributor to the growing and继续问题并且有机会已成为受疾病的影响yourself.
Facing the Consequences of Drinking
只要酗酒就有他的启用装置就到位,就很容易继续否认他有一个问题— since most of his problems are being "solved" by those around him.
Only when he is forced to face the consequences of his own actions, will it终于开始沉入how deep his problem has become.
Some of these choices are not easy for the friends and families of alcoholics.如果酗酒饮酒应该支付公用事业账单的钱,他并不是唯一一个居住在黑暗,寒冷或闷热的房子里的钱。其余的家庭将与他一起受苦。
但that is not the only option. Taking the children to friends or relatives, or even a shelter, and letting the alcoholic come home alone to a dark house, is an option that protects the family and leaves the alcoholic face-to-face withhisproblem.
Those kinds of choices are difficult. They require "detachment with love。“但它是爱。
除非允许酗酒会面临自己行为的后果,否则他永远不会意识到他的饮酒是多少 - 对他自己和他周围的问题。
Getting Help to Deal With Someone's Alcoholism
Often those closest to the alcoholic or addict believe if they can让他停下来drinking or drugging, it will solve all of the problems. They may attempt a家庭干预还有许多其他策略试图“解决问题”。
但many families发现即使酗酒或成瘾者退出并进入恢复,问题仍然存在。适用于处理活跃或恢复酒精的家庭,有可用的许多资源通过困难提供帮助和支持。很多家庭成员have found that joiningAl-Anon家族团体完全改变了他们的生活。