


最多Al-Anon Family Groups meetings是主题讨论会议。这意味着领导会议的人是主席,主席选择了与处理酗酒问题问题的朋友或家庭成员有关的主题。有时主席将询问小组如果有人有主题,他们希望本集团讨论。

After a topic is chosen, then those who are at the meeting can share their experience, strength, and hope regarding that specific topic.

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Topics for Meetings

Below are some of the topics that seem to be of most interest to those who are newcomers to Al-Anon Family Groups, or who want to learn more about the program and learn how to deal with their alcoholic friends or relatives.

伙计T.股票主题通过19年讨论Al-Anon Chat Meetings。Newcomers are welcome, especially at theAl-Anon Beginners Chat星期五晚上。这些主题也适合现场会议。


How have you learned to tell the difference between those things that you can change and those you can't regarding living with an alcoholic? Discuss what接受你无能为力的酒精means to you.

Alcoholism as a Disease

Acceptingalcoholism as a diseasecan help you understand how the alcoholic goes through cycle after cycle of swearing off alcohol but returning to his or her same habit days later. Explore that topic.

Dealing With Anger

You may get mixed messages about anger in your household. Are you told to control your anger but others in the family are allowed to explode violently? At Al-Anon, you learn that anger is a natural and normal emotion. Being angry is okay, it's what you do with the anger that makes a difference.


The Al-Anon meeting opening statement says, "So much depends on our own attitudes, and as we learn to place our problem in its true perspective we find it loses its power to dominate our thoughts and our lives." What attitude is dominating your life?

Dealing With Change

您在Al-Anon家族团体中学的原则可以帮助处理更改,因为它们的生活 - 有时会发生重大变化。您可能无法改变任何情况,但您可以改变您对情况的态度。


You have choices. You have to accept the things you cannot change. You do not have to accept unacceptable behavior. You have the right to make decisions that are in your best interest—to decide not to be around alcoholic behavior and to walk away from fights and arguments. And to decide to no longer participate in the insanity of others. Have you found the courage to make those kinds of decisions?

Control Issues

Do you have control issues? If you step in and try to solve problems for others you rob them of the dignity of being able to make their own mistakes and learn from them. Are you learning to "let go and let God?"

Courage to Change

Courage to change is not something that comes naturally to those who grew up in alcoholic homes. You may have found yourself being comfortable in relationships that were not only not healthy but downright sick. In order for all that to change, you have to seek courage from an outside source.

Dealing With Crises



Are you frustrated by the blatantdenialof an alcoholic, who won't admit that his or her behavior is causing problems, damaging and destroying others? Have you learned that it isn't your job to convince that person they are in denial, turning that over to a power greater than yourself?


Learninghow to detachcan be difficult. When the alcoholic gets into a crisis, do you want to rush in and save the day? This can be the exact opposite of what you should do to get that person to the point of reaching out for help.


你做的一些东西试图帮助酗酒是非常重要的enablingthat individual to continue in the dysfunctional behavior.

Unreasonable Expectations

Are your expectations not reasonable at all when you are dealing with an alcoholic? You may be setting yourself up for disappointment and frustration until you learn to adjust your expectations closer to reality.


空虚的寂寞生活with and trying to love someone who was just not "there." Someone who doesn't care about anything else but alcohol. Have you tried to fill that void with less than healthy things?

A Family Disease

You may have come to Al-Anon thinking the alcoholic was the only one who was exhibiting insane behavior. But when you focus on yourself, you may realize that some of your behavior and thinking are also off-kilter. That'swhy they call alcoholism a family disease


Are you afraid or even terrified of being alone or abandoned? Do you go to any lengths to hold on to a relationship, no matter how unhealthy or harmful because you are afraid of not ever being able to have another one?

Focus on Ourselves

One of the 12 Traditions of Al-Anon states that we have no opinion on outside issues. Someone else's drinking or behavior is an outside issue. How do you keep the focus on your spiritual journey of recovery and not on anyone else's behavior?


It seems to be one of those "spiritual truths" that before you can be forgiven, you must first forgive. That seems to be the way God always does it, puts the ball in your court and waits for you to make the first move. God does not require you to "feel" like forgiving, only that you forgive. By doing so, by taking that first step, even just faking it until you make it even, then God is able togiveyou a forgiving heart.


Do you find yourself feeling sorry for yourself? A suggestion is to sit down andwriteout a gratitude list. It is amazing how that really works to chase away the gloom.


Do you work on your Al-Anon program every day? Do you see how that keeps you making progress, or at least prevents the worst backward slides?


Do you have difficulty with the honesty part of the program? After years of covering up and keeping secrets, it can be hard to be open and honest.

Keep It Simple

It may sound like a trite saying, but there is a lot of wisdom in the suggestion to把事情简单化

Let Go and Let God

Are you practicing the principle of letting go and letting God in relation to living with an alcoholic, but also in dealing with many other things?

Live and Let Live

Learning it is okay to live your life without it revolving around an alcoholic can be new territory. How can you learn to live and let live?



Mind Your Own Business

在Al-Anon,别人的饮酒不关你的事,你是notresponsible for someone else's choices. The shame and the embarrassment caused by their behavior doesn't belong to you, it belongs to them. If they decide to make choices that are "bad" for them, it is not a reflection on how good a parent, or friend, or spouse, or sponsor you are. They have the right to make their own mistakes and, hopefully, learn from them. You can only do your part right, share your experience, strength, and hope when it's appropriate to do so.

One Day at a Time



You may have come to Al-Anon never once thinking you were powerless, that there was something you could do to cause the alcoholic to wake up and finally admit there was a problem. Step 1 is admitting you are powerless over alcohol.



Restoration to Sanity

Step 2 says we came to believe a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. Have you accepted that you are insane and need that help? Or do you still maintain that only the alcoholic is the crazy one?

Self Esteem



You can become addicted to excitement when you live with an alcoholic. Crises, problems, grief, abuse, chaos, anything but boredom. How can you accept thegift of serenity?



Understanding and Encouragement

Part of Al-Anon's primary purpose is to "offer理解和鼓励to the alcoholic."

Unreasonable Without Knowing It

It says in the Al-Anon meeting opening statement, "Our thinking becomes distorted by trying to force solutions, and we become irritable and unreasonable without knowing it." Can you really become unreasonable and not even know it?

Dealing With Verbal Abuse

It difficult it is to detach when the "disease" is in your face screaming! When the alcoholic is accusing, cursing, raging, dominating, manipulating, or controlling, it makes "detachment with love" seem almost impossible. How have you learned to detach during these episodes?
