Treatment Initiation - Seeking Help


Doctor with patient

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If you have decided that you need to get help for your drinking or drug abuse problem, you have already entered the first stage of recovery by admitting that you have a problem and seeking outside help.

This process -- reaching out for help and seeking some kind treatment or rehabilitation -- is known as treatment initiation. It is the first of four stages of recovery or rehab as described by the National Institute on Drug Abuse:

  1. 治疗开始
  2. Early abstinence
  3. Maintenance of abstinence
  4. Advanced recovery





Denial simply means refusing to believe the reality of your circumstances. Many people new to recovery usually have一定程度的否认关于他们的成瘾。拒绝可以采取许多形式,从思考仍然可以控制你的物质来否认你真的上瘾。

The following erroneous beliefs are typical forms of denial:

Forms of Denial

  • Believing that you are different from those "real" alcoholics and addicts.
  • 认为你可以通过“削减”来解决你的问题而不是完全消除它。你可能会认为你可以让你的药物滥用“在控制下”。
  • 拒绝相信中学药也是一个问题。例如,一种持续烟壶的酒精思维是可以的,或者可卡因瘾君子拒绝认为他们的饮酒是一个问题。
  • Believing thatAlcoholics Anonymousor麻醉品匿名不会有帮助,因为你“不像那些人”,因为他们的问题是如此严重。
  • 坚持继续与“朋友”共度时光,谁通过同意药物不是问题或与您使用的问题。



Your counselor may remind you of all of thenegative consequences如果你相信你并没有真正上瘾,你的生命或挑战你的生命或挑战你暂时禁止喝酒或吸毒。无论哪种方式,目标是让你看看真相。



你决定首先寻求帮助,因为你经历过some negative consequences给你的药物或酒精使用。你意识到你需要帮助,但完全在你的生活中戒烟并不是你所想到的。

The following are reasons that many newcomers to recovery have feelings of ambivalence:


  • 您将您的饮酒或吸毒与积极的情绪变化联系起来。
  • 您可以将您的选择药物视为应对策略,并且您尚未知道更好的应对机制。
  • 你可能会感到太弱或无助地打破cycle of addiction
  • You may have entered rehab because of pressure from others—such as a spouse, boss or judge—and you are just trying to keep them happy.



If you have always turned to your drug of choice in times of stress, when you want to relax or when you are upset or angry, chances are you have ambivalent feelings about giving it up, unless you learn new coping skills.


你的辅导员,在这个早期阶段的治疗,will try to identify your ambivalent feelings and their underlying reasons. You will probably be asked to list your goals in life and shown how much easier it will be to meet those goals if you are living clean and sober.

Again, in the early stage of recovery and throughout your treatment process, the goal is to get you motivated to make positive changes in your life. Your treatment program is there to encourage and support your efforts to make those changes.


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Article Sources
万博手机官网Masewell Mind仅使用高质量的来源,包括同行评审的研究,以支持我们的文章中的事实。读我们editorial processto learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  • National Institute on Drug Abuse. "药物成瘾治疗原则:基于研究的指南。“修订于2007年。
  • National Institute on Drug Abuse. "An Individual Drug Counseling Approach to Treat Cocaine Addiction: The Collaborative Cocaine Treatment Study Model." Accessed May 2009.