

Woman Exercising
Developing a Drug-Free Lifestyle. © Getty Images


如果您已经干净和清醒了90天,您现在需要将您在早期禁止的工具中学到维护您的清醒并避免复发。维持禁欲是第三个恢复的四个阶段or rehab defined by the National Institute on Drug Abuse:

  1. 治疗开始
  2. Early abstinence
  3. Maintenance of abstinence
  4. 高级恢复


After 90 days, you are probably no longer in the住宅康复设施, if you received inpatient treatment, and you have entered the follow-up or continuing phase of your rehab. Although you still have regular contact with your counselor and attend support group meetings, maintaining your recovery is basically up to you.


  • 避免环境触发器。
  • 认识到自己的心理社会和情感触发器。
  • Develop healthy behaviors to handle life's stresses.


People get in trouble when they let their guard down after their早期的成功。重要的是,你不把你的清醒理所当然,你认识到上瘾的力量。保持恢复导向的态度至关重要。


Changes in attitudes, feelings, and behaviors can quickly lead you to a relapse.



Research has shown that an alcohol or drug relapse is preceded by a recognizable set ofwarning signsor steps that you can learn to recognize and therefore avoid. Your counselor will help you recognize in your own life the distinct steps or phases that occur prior to a full-blown relapse.

Developing a Healthy Plan


Some of the areas your continuing care counseling will address include the following. Each of these articles outlines why these steps are important to your recovery and how you can achieve these goals:

If you find yourself in the downward relapse spiral, do something different! Go to moresupport group meetings, spend time with others who support your recovery, maintain a healthy structure in your life, make sure you are in a drug-free environment, and avoid external triggers. Take positive action to resolve any relationship, personal or work-related problems that are causing you stress.

万博手机官网Masewell Mind仅使用高质量的来源,包括同行评审的研究,以支持我们的文章中的事实。读我们社论过程to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  • 国家药物滥用研究所。“一种治疗可卡因成瘾的个体药物咨询方法:协同可卡因治疗模型。”2009年5月访问。
  • 国家药物滥用研究所。“药物成瘾治疗原则:基于研究的指南。”修订2007年。