通常当人们面对困难或压力ssful situations, they’re left wondering how to deal with them. Sometimes the negative emotions from these situations can feel overwhelming, and solutions seem elusive. However, the challenging situations we face in life are often the ones that offer us the greatest opportunity for personal growth. Even though the question of how to deal with the challenges we face doesn’t always have a simple or easy answer, looking honestly at our situations, experiencing the emotions they bring up, and searching within ourselves for the answers can bring often-surprising positive outcomes.
处理压力局势的重要第一步涉及镇静你的身体压力反应。采用stress relief techniques帮助扭转fight-or-flight你的身体在压力时使用的机制。如果您真正处于身体危险之中,这种压力反应可以帮助您保持安全;如果你面临的威胁更为心理,或者不能在身体上被争吵,一个永恒触发的压力反应可以让你感到烦恼,更具情感的反应,更不用说更容易受到影响illness。
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Negative emotions such as焦虑那寂寞那andanger是不愉快的,但有用的是,他们向我们提供有关我们所在情况的信息,并激励我们在我们的生活中采取行动。有时这些感受可能如此强烈,以至于他们感到压倒性,否则令人不快,不确定如何处理它们,我们转向unhealthy copingbehaviors to avoid feeling them. But if you’re able to sit with them, reallyfeel他们,甚至注意到你身体的位置(你的胸部紧绷,喉咙痛,头痛),它们实际上可以更容易放手。确定你的感受也很重要,并意识到这一点whyyou’re feeling this way (what are the precipitating factors?). This can help you know what area of your life needs action, so you can have a clearer picture of what needs to change.
当你感到身体的紧张时,学会放松progressive muscle relaxation。
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For many people, it’s very helpful to get feelings down on paper. For those wondering how to deal with stressful emotions, processing your emotions in a日志通过写作您的感受以及为什么,然后头脑风暴解决方案已被证明具有许多积极的健康益处。这可能是因为以这种方式的日记过程有助于放松消极的情绪,可以感受到赋权,并可以帮助我们更有效地弄清楚如何应对压力。这不是关于负面情绪的沉迷;它是关于能够识别你的感受以及它们来自哪里,并解决一些可行的解决方案的问题。
In working through how to deal with challenges, once you’ve calmed your body and attended to your emotions, processing it all on paper can really help. However, as you’re processing your feelings, you may be more pessimistic about things; your view of your life may be more negative than normal. It’s important to be aware of pessimistic thoughts andcognitive distortionsand work on seeing things in a more乐观光线亮起。
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After you’ve taken the steps you can take, or if there’s nothing you can do immediately, get engaged in an activity that will take your mind off of what’s got you down. You’ve dealt with the problem as much as you can for now, and it’s time to前进; don’t get caught in the trap ofrumination。Take a walk with a friend, watch a funny movie, do something nice for someone else, pat your dog; get your mind away from the situation.
Get Support If You Need It
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有一个支持性的健康和压力管理有益万博manbetx是正规公司吗朋友圈那so utilizingsocial supportcan be effective as part of your strategy in how to deal with life. Having some supportive friendships that include not only good listening but honest communication and good advice is key. You want to nurture relationships that provide a supportive ear when you need to feel less ‘alone’, some wise advice when you’re stumped on what to do, an honest opinion to help you see what may be hard to look at, and someone to help you have fun and get your mind off of your stressors once you’ve worked on how to address them. Also, if you’ve tried these suggestions and find yourself still needing support, it might be a good idea to see a professional. (That’s what they’re there for!)