
Dealing with an interrupter

Verywell / Madelyn Goodnight


虽然在你说话的时候偶尔中断可能会令人讨厌,但它可能并不是真正在事物的宏伟方案中阶段。但是,如果你正在处理慢性的中断球,那就是一个完全不同的故事。持续的中断可以开始对你的关系造成严重破坏 - 特别是如果您觉得自己永远不会完成思考。


面对现实吧。每个人都想觉得听到。如果你觉得自己不是,那么它可以开始侵蚀这种关系。毕竟,同一个人的一致中断不仅感觉到一个缺少尊重for you and your thoughts, but they also demonstrate apparent自我中心. Interruptions also can make you feel insignificant and unimportant—that what you are trying to say isn't worthy of being listened to.

Some tendencies to interrupt stem from cultural differences and family backgrounds. Interrupting just seems natural to them. Meanwhile, other interrupters are impatient, goal-driven people who like to get straight to the point. And their way of making that happen is to interrupt and usurp the control in the conversation.



Interestingly, men interrupt women more than they interrupt men. For instance, a study from George Washington University found that men interrupted women 33% more often than they did other men. According to the researchers, during a three-minute conversation, men interrupted women 2.1 times. By contrast, when speaking with men for the same length of time, they only interrupted 1.8 times. Meanwhile, women on average only interrupted men once.

But regardless of gender or who is doing the interrupting, the reality is that at the moment when an interruption occurs, the interrupter is communicating that their question—or what they have to say—takes precedence over your thoughts and opinions.

Additionally, whether they are aware of it or not, chronic interrupters are asserting their power, their knowledge, and their ideas at your expense. And in extreme situations, interrupting can be anything but altruistic. In fact, interruption is often a tactic used byemotionally abusive peoplewho use it as a way to assert dominance and control. For this reason, it's important to know how to handle interruptions with grace and dignity and still be able to get your point across.


The reality is that there are only so many interruptions a discussion can take before it ceases to be a discussion. For this reason, chronic interruptions are conversation killers that disrupt ahealthy exchange of information. After all, if everyone is talking, then no one is listening.

Consequently, it is important you know how to handle frequent interruptions before they completely erode your relationship or your work environment. Here are some tips for dealing with chronic interrupters in your life.





Discuss the Interruptions During a Neutral Time

无论您的慢性接收器是否都是您的员工或您的伴侣在家的人,这是一个很好的主意,当您两个都平静和客观时,讨论中断。与你经历的人交谈并解释它如何影响你using "I" statements而不是指责手指或指控。



一旦你有一个或两个讨论chronic interruptions, you need to think about how you will respond when it happens again—because it will. No one can change a pattern of behavior instantaneously.



Consider Your Own Communication Style

Take a good, hard look at how you communicate. Do you share long, drawn-out stories? Could you be succinct and to-the-point? Perhaps your沟通style could be changed or improved to deter interruptions in some way, especially if you tend to monopolize the conversation.


A Word From Verywell

Be patient as you work through interruption issues. Changing behavior and communication styles takes time. But with persistence and patience, you might be able to have more balanced and effective conversations. After all, everyone in the conversation benefits when people feel heard.

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