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Everyone gets a little nervous before a big game or athletic event. However, for those who experience the severe symptoms associated withsocial anxiety disorder(SAD), the quality of their athletic performance will often suffer.

The relationship betweenanxiety and athletic performance是如此强大整个心理学领域 -万博maxbetx官网登陆体育心理学万博maxbetx官网登陆—has been devoted to helping athletes combat nerves. Fortunately, you can use a number of strategies to help overcome game-day jitters and manage anxiety before it gets out of hand.


Many elite athletes use visualization to improve performance, develop confidence, and manage anxiety. Visualization, also known as imagery or mental rehearsal, involves imagining yourself successfully competing at an athletic event.

In order to make visualization work, close your eyes and imagine the physical movements that you would make in order to be successful in competition. Try to imagine yourself moving at the same speed as you would in real life.

此外,请确保您从自己的角度来看 - 不是来自观察者的观点。如果你真的在那里看着你,你应该看待场景(人群,这个领域),而不是看自己竞争。


  • 如果去空的足球场,坐在替补席上帮助你让你的想象的经历更加真实,一定要做。
  • 如果人群的噪音可能会在比赛期间分散注意力,请参阅如果您可以在您可视化事件时可以播放的人群噪音。
  • 想象你所看到的,听到的,嗅觉、味觉和感觉。Using all of你的五种感官can help create a powerful image that seems more real.

Whatever you can do to make the imagined experience feel real will aid in translating what you imagine into what you achieve.


明确界定的目标有助于衡量成功 - 但是过于崇高的目标可以让你不堪重负和不确定你的能力。选择可实现但具有挑战性的目标,并且在可能的情况下,将任务分解为具有一系列短期目标的较小部分。

Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques are helpful for reducing the physical symptoms of anxiety such as an increased heart rate, tense muscles, and quick and shallow breathing. These techniques can be used at any time leading up to a performance or competition and may be particularly helpful when practiced the night before or in the hours preceding an event to help keep nerves at bay.

两个最常见的放松技术是diaphragmatic breathingand progressive muscle relaxation.

Cognitive Restructuring

Cognitive restructuring refers to changing habitual ways of thinking. In the case of anxiety about athletic performance, cognitive restructuring helps you change any negative thoughts that may be leading to physical symptoms of anxiety like bodily arousal—much in the way that elite athletes channel arousal into excitement and the ability to rise to the challenge.


意识到您的想法和感受是管理焦虑的认知症状的关键。认识到negative thoughts当他们第一次进入你的思想时,你可以在他们抓住之前阻止它们,这样你就可以用更多替换它们那些。



Focus on past successes instead of failures, and remind yourself of those successes. Make practice and preparation a priority and continue until you have no doubt left about your ability to succeed.

Are you still having trouble with self-confidence? Remember to visualize. Imagine yourself confidently competing over and over again until that becomes your new reality.


当然,你不想在比赛期间分散注意力,但之前立即 - 为什么不呢?与队友或同伴竞争对手谈话,读一本书,听音乐 - 无论有助于让你的思想都能产生消极的想法。


If you find yourself worrying about who is in the crowd watching you, or that the other competitors are better than you—remind yourself that these are aspects of the competition that are out of your control.

What you can control is your own performance, how well prepared you are, and how well you implement techniques and strategies such as进步肌肉放松和图像。

Unfortunately, some people experience severe anxiety in athletic performance situations that is not improved through the use of自助战略。实际上,有时候只有治疗师才能提高这些策略的有用性 - 首先,因为你对你所做的工作负责,你所做的工作以及你所做的进展和第二个因为有人认为你可以变得更好。

If your symptoms are getting worse, consider speaking to your doctor or asking for a referral to a万博手机客户端心理健康专业人士who can determine whether you meet criteria for a诊断悲伤,或其他焦虑症,以及什么形式的treatment最适合您的情况。

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  1. 福特JL,ILDEFONSO K,JONES ML,ARVINEN-BARROM M.运动相关的焦虑:当前的见解。Open Access J Sports Med。2017;8:205–212. doi:10.2147/OAJSM.S125845

  2. Ducrocq E, Wilson M, Vine S, Derakshan N.培训注意力控制提高了认知和运动任务性能。J运动效果心理。2016; 38(5):521-533。DOI:10.1123 / JSEP.2016-0052
