Anxiety disorder放松技巧are an important part of many behavioral treatments for anxiety disorders and specifically for社交焦虑症(悲伤)。For example, if you have a fear of公开演讲,部分治疗可能涉及在想象演讲时练习深呼吸和肌肉放松。
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Have you ever noticed the feeling you have after a really intense workout? Your muscles have been fatigued to the point that your body is totally relaxed.
PMR can also be paired with imaginal exposures in which you picture yourself facing feared situations and learning to relax as you do so.
Autogenic Training
Autogenic training describes a technique similar to冥想, in which you repeat a series of statements to yourself about different parts of your body. The repetition of these statements is believed to influence the functioning of your自主神经系统, which includes your heart rate.
你曾经希望你能逃到一个在小木屋里的热带岛屿或洞吗?如果您没有时间或意味着实际过幻想,请给予guided imagery尝试。这种技术涉及使用你所有的感官来想象自己在轻松的环境中。轮到你的身体进入轻松的状态。
A 2017 meta-analysis of 50 studies (2801 patients) compared relaxation training with cognitive and behavioral treatments for anxiety. Results of that study showed that there was no significant difference between relaxation and cognitive andbehavioral therapies对于广泛性焦虑症,恐慌症,社交焦虑症和特定恐惧症。
此外,2018年与meta-an系统综述alyses exploring the effect of relaxation therapy with people with anxiety disorders showed that relaxation therapy was effective for this group to reduce negative emotions as well as symptoms of depression, phobia, and worry.
Putting Relaxation Into Practice
Once you've chosen a relaxation technique, be sure to set a time to follow through. Though you might feel like you "don't have time to relax," that is probably a sign that you need to make time for some relaxation. By incorporating a daily or weekly practice into your life, you might actually find that you start to look forward to the feeling of calm that it brings.
Set aside a regular time of day to practice these relaxation techniques, so that it will become a habit. Over time, you should notice that it becomes easier to calm yourself when in stressful or anxiety-provoking situations.