When choosing gifts for someone with社交焦虑症,你的决定很可能会受到你对这个人的了解程度的影响。适合亲密朋友或家人的东西可能不适合同事。
Below are some gift suggestions. In general, look for items that help to increase confidence, reduce stress and anxiety, or bring you and the other person closer.
Buying for someone you know well? Consider giving tickets to the theater or a concert and then go with that person. Ticket gifts are an easy way to make plans with someone who might otherwise find an excuse not to go. Just be sure to check with someone who knows the person to make sure you are not double-booking their schedule.
Chamomile Tea
一般来说,还没有足够的研究how exactly chamomile works to help calm you down. However, a couple of initial studies in 2009 and 2012 showed that it may be helpful for depression and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).需要更多的研究来确定它对社交焦虑症的影响。
You have probably heard of general relaxation CDs that feature sounds of the rainforest or ocean. Relaxation CDs for social anxiety disorder might also include those promoting催眠疗法,引导图像,progressive muscle relaxation或是平静的音乐。这些方法通常与治疗相结合,帮助焦虑症患者学会减缓呼吸和心率。