Bridal Shower Anxiety

10 Tips to Be Less Nervous at Your Bridal Shower

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如果你不喜欢成为center of attention或住在一起social anxiety disorder (SAD),在荣誉中抛出的新娘淋浴可以激发很多情绪。您可能担心您的客人会感到无聊。你可能会担心在每个人面前打开礼物。

If this is you, it's time to put together a strategy to get through the event. Below are eight tips to help you cope with social anxiety at a bridal shower.

Lean on the Maid of Honor


Whether your bridal shower is an afternoon gathering held in someone's home or a night out with friends, there are adjustments you can make to ensure your anxiety does not interfere with your enjoyment of the event. A good friend should be willing to accommodate your needs—after all, this is all about you!


One way to approach this event is by acting in a way that is in accordance with your deeply held values, as suggested by acceptance and commitment-based approaches to therapy. From this perspective, take time to evaluate whether your behavior is lined up with what you value, regardless of your level of anxiety.



Have the hostess keep the shower small and intimate, inviting only people whom you know well. Limit the shower to a couple of hours. Most guests will tire of a longer shower, and keeping it short gives you a break if anxiety starts to become too much. If it's a night out on the town you are planning, have an exit strategy that gets you home by a reasonable hour.


在一个下午的聚会上,你的女主人的工作是在门口迎接人们。坐在座位上不要觉得糟糕,让人们参观你而不是试图成为一个交际花。Remember that your guests want to celebrate with you and shower you with gifts.

不feel guilty if you can't make the rounds and speak with everyone—they will make time to come around and speak with you.

Put Someone in Charge of Gift Opening



While it is easy to start worrying about whether everyone is enjoying themselves and if they want to be there, try not to spend timeworrying关于宾至如归的客人。大多数客人都有兴趣了解您收到的礼物并互相追赶。由于您也设定了一个时限,因此不享受自己的客人不会留下这一切。



虽然游戏设计为尴尬you should be avoided, games that keep guests busy and interested can be useful. For example, during gift opening, your guests could play bingo. Hand out blank bingo cards and have everyone write in the gifts that they think you will receive. As the gifts are opened, guests mark their cards until someone yells "Bingo!" As another alternative, have the hostess serve cake right before gift opening to take the focus off of you.


No matter how anxious you are during the shower,remember to be gracious。举起每个礼物,让每个人看,笑着给你的人微笑并感谢他们。感谢您的客人离开。


Boost Your Oxytocin

Research shows that oxytocin (also known as the "love" hormone) is also a bit of an antidote for social anxiety. You can boost your oxytocin by petting an animal or hugging a loved one before the shower—or taking a quick break mid-event to gather up some of that feel-good hormone.

A Word From Verywell


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