Next time you're so frustrated you feel like gritting your teeth, you might try grinning instead. Studies suggestsmilingis not only good for you psychologically, butphysiologically, too. Surprisingly, a smile can bring you health benefits even if you don’t start out feeling happy.
A team of psychologists from the University of Kansas set out to discover whether having your face in a smiling position couldreduce stress. In their study, published in the journal Psychological Science, researchers Sarah Pressman and Tara Kraft wanted to test the old adage “grin and bear it" to determine not what做一个人微笑,但微笑可以做一旦它到位。
学习参与者进行了三种不同的方式:没有微笑,牙齿以温和的笑容握住,笑容满面,同时按照研究人员指示持有牙齿之间的筷子。筷子提供了一种标准化面部表情的方式,以便比较它们并人为地创造笑容。广泛的,或所谓的Duchenne Smile - 以法国神经师命名,在1860年代记录了面部表情的人 - 不仅仅是嘴巴周围的肌肉,而且在眼睛里也是如此。宣布与Duchenne笑容的主题也被宣传,虽然没有明确地微笑,但也没有被问及那些肌肉。
What They Found
Stress levels were gauged two ways: by taking heart rate measurements and by asking the subjects how stressed they felt while performing the difficult tasks.
All of the participants, regardless of facial expression, reported feeling about the same degree of stress during the tasks. What differed, however, was how quickly the different groups' heart rates returned to normal: the heart rates of the subjects with a neutral expression (no smile) took the longest to recover. Subjects' heart rates in the broad-smiling group recovered the most quickly, and those with a moderate or so-called standard smile were in-between, still experiencing better heart rate recovery than those with a neutral face.
Fake It Till You Make It?
你应该假快乐的行为,你会觉得less stressed? It depends. Research published in 2007 in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology reveals that subjects in a customer service call center simulation who were told to be enthusiastic and hide their frustration were more exhausted and made more mistakes on the job. The authors cite the energy cost felt by workers trying to act happy on the surface when they are not.
“微笑不是一个治疗 - 所有人压力类型,特别是对于长期的压力师,“她说,喜欢与敌对客户或其他人反复打交道困难的人, but it may offer relief “for brief, acute stressors, and only for short periods of time or as an antidote to a passing negative mood.”
So next time you’re stuck in traffic or the person ahead of you in the grocery line is taking too long, consider smiling. It may make you feel better and bring your heart rate down, too.