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你有没有失去对你的情绪的控制,并在稍后后悔的那一刻的热火中做了一些东西?也许你“失去了它”或者在某人 - 你的伴侣或儿童,工作同事,或者也许是另一辆车的司机 - 以后的学位,你意识到是不合适的。



The term "amygdala hijacking" was first used by psychologist Daniel Goleman in his 1995 book, "Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ" to refer to an immediate and intense emotional reaction that's out of proportion to the situation. In other words, it's when someone "loses it" or seriously overreacts to something or someone.

Goleman's term aims to recognize that we have an ancient structure in our brain, the amygdala, that is designed to respond swiftly to a threat.

While the amygdala is intended to protect us from danger, it can interfere with our functioning in the modern world where threats are often more subtle in nature.



However, when faced with a threatening situation, the thalamus sends sensory information to both the amygdala and the neocortex. If the amygdala senses danger, it makes a split-second decision to initiate the战斗或飞行反应在Neocortex有时间抑制它之前。



While many of the threats we face today are symbolic, evolutionarily, our brains evolved to deal with physical threats to our survival that required a quick response. As a result, our body still responds with biological changes that prepare us to fight or flight, even though there is no actual physical threat with which we must contend.



People with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), for example, show greater amygdala activation and therefore, increased emotional responding including fear and anxiety responses.


即使没有诊断PTSD.或焦虑症,慢性应力can lead to an overactive fear and anxiety circuit in your brain, which also reduces the functioning of other areas of the brain that help with inhibition of fear, such as the hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex.




The best way to prevent an amygdala hijack is to increase your emotional intelligence.Emotional intelligence描述了您理解和管理情绪的能力,并以积极的方式使用这些信息来缓解压力,有效地沟通,同情他人,并融合冲突。





介意is the ability to be fully present, aware of where you are and what you're doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what's going on around you. According to a 2014 study,思想冥想can help improve your emotional intelligence in three major ways:

  • 提高你理解自己的情绪的能力
  • 帮助您学习如何识别别人的情绪
  • 加强你控制自己情绪的能力



防止Amygdala劫持的另一个关键是意识到你的压力源并识别何时急性,日常压力变成了慢性应力。If you find yourself constantly in a state of stress, employing stress management techniques can help.

有效的压力管理应包括万博manbetx是正规公司吗快速作用的压力解识(如breathing exercises)为了立即缓解压力情况以及减少整体压力的健康习惯(如行使,冥想和日记)。



  • 说出它。注意当您被触发并识别触发您的内容时。注意你的胸部或胸部的紧绷变化,在你的下巴或手中握紧,在这些时刻,对自己说:“我现在感到触发。”
  • 记住6秒的规则在th中释放的化学物质e amygdala hijacking about 6 seconds to dissipate. Using this time to focus on something pleasant will prevent your amygdala from taking control and causing an emotional reaction
  • 呼吸。意识到你的呼吸并减慢它。当你减慢呼吸并使它变得节奏时,你会激活副交感神经系统这是您的休息响应。这种深呼吸的深呼镇压,让您在压力时期进行深思熟虑的决策。
  • 借鉴心灵。环顾一下你并注意环境中的东西。这将有助于您从头部搬出返回现在。
  • 取款。如果你真的感觉无法控制,请原谅你自己的局势来抓住你的情绪。

While preventing an overreaction in the first place or diffusing it in the moment may be the ultimate goal, it's OK to slip up. If you do find yourself in the aftermath of a full-blown amygdala hijack, take some time to acknowledge your actions and review what happened.

Spending some time thinking about your reactions—especially when they aren't a reflection of your best self—can help to shift you toward a mindful way of viewing your experience. Over time, this practice will help to develop your emotional intelligence as well.




Article Sources
万博手机官网Masewell Mind仅使用高质量的来源,包括同行评审的研究,以支持我们的文章中的事实。读我们社论过程to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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Additional Reading