
Anger is an intense emotion you feel when something has gone wrong or someone has wronged you. It is typically characterized by feelings of stress, frustration, and irritation. Everyone feels anger from time to time. It’s a perfectly normal response to frustrating or difficult situations.



When we are angry our body goes through certain biological and physiological changes. Examples of biological changes your body might go through include:

  • Increased energy levels
  • 提高血压
  • Spike in hormones like adrenaline and noradrenaline
  • 体温增加
  • Increased肌肉张力

Anger doesn’t look the same in everyone and we all express it in different ways. Some outward characteristics you might notice when you are angry include.

  • 提出了声音
  • Clenched fists
  • Frowning or scowling
  • A clenched jaw
  • 身体颤抖
  • Rapid heartbeats
  • Sweating excessively
  • 起动过上



Your heart rate quickens and your blood pressure spikes. Your body also releases hormones like adrenaline and noradrenaline. Putting your body through these changes often, by repeatedly getting angry, can lead to medical conditions and complications such as:


Anger doesn’t look the same in everyone as we all express it differently. For some people, screaming might be an outlet for their anger while others might express it by physically hitting an object or even another person.

Anger is a normal human emotion, but it’s important to find healthy ways to express it so as not to alienate people around us. Expressing anger healthily is also important for your mental health.



Sometimes we use anger to replace other emotions we would rather not deal with, like emotional pain, fear,寂寞, or失利。In these cases, anger becomes a secondary emotion. Anger could be a reaction to physical pain, a response to feelings of fear, to protect yourself from a perceived attack, or in response to a frustrating situation.

Anger is often caused by a trigger this could be either rational or irrational. Some common triggers that cause anger include:

  • 处理爱人的丧失
  • 失去工作
  • Going through abreakup
  • Failing at a job or a task
  • 疲惫
  • Getting in an accident or getting a condition that causes physical changes in your body (for example, losing your sight or your ability to walk)

Anger could also be a symptom or response to a medical condition. Anger could be a symptom of depression, substance abuse,ADHD, orbipolar disorder

Types of Anger

There are three main types of anger.

  • Passive-Aggressive Anger: Here, a person tries to repress their anger to avoid dealing with it but typically ends up expressing it in unhealthy and undermining ways.
  • Assertive Anger:这可能是表达愤怒的健康选择。它涉及通过使用你的话冷静地解释并试图弥补这种情况来处理愤怒。在这里,愤怒以非威胁性的方式表达。
  • Openly Aggressive Anger:这种类型的愤怒可能伴随着身体或口头侵略,例如尖叫或击中事物。这种类型的愤怒的目的通常是伤害这个人,愤怒被引导在情感上或身体上。


  • Verbally: When a person expresses their anger verbally, you are likely to see them raise their voices. They might become insulting and say hurtful things if their anger is directed at another person.
  • Nonverbally:你会注意到一些轻微的物理变化person who expresses their anger nonverbally. They might frown or scowl and clench their jaws and fist. They might also lash out at another person or object, sometimes causing physical damage to the person or object and in some cases even hurting themselves.

The two ways people express their anger are not mutually exclusive and it’s possible to see a person expressing anger in both ways.




对大多数人来说,很容易确定触发器s and emotions behind their anger. But some people experience anger suddenly and intensely without being able to curb it or identify the triggers behind it.


Anger management therapyis used to help you learn healthy ways to cope with the emotion.


Finding ways to cope with anger is very important. When we allow anger to take control of our lives, it can affect everything we do. It can damage relationships with our loved ones and cause problems in our workplace. If you’ve been finding it difficult to keep your anger in check in certain situations, here are a couple of coping mechanisms that can help.

  • 确定原因: The first step to coping with anger is identifying the root cause of your anger. It could be another emotion—maybe one of fear or loneliness. It could be an altercation you had or an unpleasant thought that came to mind.
  • Meditate:冥想is very beneficial in helping to control human emotions. You can start with simple meditation techniques like deep breathing exercises. When faced with a situation that makes you angry, take a second before reacting. You can take several deep breaths to calm yourself or try to count until you feel yourself become calmer.
  • Work Out: Exercising isn’t just great for your physical health—it’s also beneficial for your mental health. It’s also a way to channel out emotions like anger in a useful and productive way. Going for a quick run or swim when you are angry could help defuse the emotion.
  • Let It Out:不要把你的愤怒瓶子。当你觉得它是通过它的最健康的方式表达你的愤怒。在你最不期望的时候,装瓶最有可能造成突然和强烈的爆发。
  • Avoid Triggers:如果你很快生气,试图识别并避免触发器是有用的。如果您经常在与特定人或特定主题进行对话时触发,请避免它们或该主题,直到您学会了如何更好地控制愤怒。

A Word From Verywell


It's important to remember that when expressed properly, anger is a healthy emotion. It can also be beneficial in dangerous situations, as the emotion triggers our fight or flight response. In some cases, this can be helpful in getting us out of a dangerous situation.

Article Sources
Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read oureditorial processto learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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  3. 威廉姆斯r.Anger as a basic emotion and its role in personality building and pathological growth: the neuroscientific, developmental and clinical perspectives.前心理。2017; 8。