The Impact of Panic Disorder on Social Relationships


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For a person with panic disorder, social relationships can be an important way to cope with symptoms of the condition. Some of the ways that social support can help include:

  • 社会关系有助于缓和抑郁和焦虑的负面影响。
  • 它也可以作为emotional regulation工具,让人们更好地管理痛苦的感受。
  • 一项研究的结果表明,社会支持可能在降低恐慌症的人的症状严重程度中发挥作用。


Panic attacks are frequently mistaken for a medical event such as a heart attack. It can take numerous trips to the emergency room before the person is even properly diagnosed with this354manbetx . 这可能是非常令人不安的人面对恐慌症,也可能是令人担忧的家庭和重要的其他人。


  • 提供保证

  • Listen

  • 如果他们愿意,帮助他们脱离困境

  • 帮助他们放松练习

  • 叫他们冷静下来

  • 建议他们反应过度

  • 否认或淡化他们的感情

  • Judge or ridicule

Things to Avoid

If someone you love is coping with panic disorder, there are some things you need to avoid doing. Sometimes these actions can be hurtful and may damage your relationship. In other cases, they can actually make the symptoms of panic disorder worse.


If you happen to be there during one of their panic attacks, it is crucial that you remain calm and collected. If a person having a panic attack thinks that you are afraid of them or angry at them, it can have a negative effect on their well-being.

For friends and family members, one of the most important ways you can help is by staying calm yourself and avoiding joining in on the panic.

  • Focus on being a model of relaxation.
  • 如果您在另一个人往往会得到焦虑或恐慌的情况下,提出计划,帮助他们保持冷静。
  • 如果该人员需要离开,请帮助他们制定退出策略。

恐慌的攻击可能是令人沮丧的 - 因为有一个人和那些在它发生的人的人 - 但它不是生命的威胁。



Patience and trust are vital components for helping someone battle panic disorder. If a person with panic disorder is pushed into a situation they are not ready for, they may withdraw as their fears intensify.

The symptoms can only worsen by hastily propelling them into a panic-inducing situation or telling the person that they are being melodramatic. Rather than denying their feelings:

  • Remain supportive.
  • Allow them the space to work through some of their own issues.
  • 有信心你所爱的人会在自己的时间恢复。



Educate Yourself






  • 向他们保证他们是安全的。
  • Let them know that you won’t let anything bad happen to them.
  • 仔细聆听并承认他们的恐惧。

Help With Relaxation Exercises

另一个攻击发生之前,提前计划和decide with them what strategies are most helpful in getting through the panic. Ask them how you can be the most helpful when a panic attack happens. During the attack:

  • Assist the person with their breathing by taking深呼吸随着他们或呼吸时沿着他们计数。
  • 使用affirmation与他们一起,说“你是安全的。”
  • 你可以帮他们找个座位,帮他们找个安全的地方,或者给他们带杯水。



You can help by offering praise along the way as the individual progressively works toward their goals. Reinforcing positive steps can help improve a person’s sense of confidence over time, as the person becomes more self-assured and begins to make further strides towards recovery.

How Therapy Can Help

Couples and families dealing with恐慌症可以从治疗中受益匪浅。通过治疗干预,家庭可以一起工作治疗计划和恢复。通常用于恐慌障碍的治疗类型包括:

  • Family therapyto provide education, address the dependency needs of the family member with panic disorder, support issues, and communication problems may be beneficial as an adjunct treatment.
  • 个人治疗也可以使那些与患有恐慌症的爱人打交道的人受益,允许他们坦诚地分享担忧和挫折,而不用担心伤害他们的感情。
  • Group therapythat focuses on supporting families who are coping with a member with a mental disorder can also be helpful.
  • Support groups通过宣传组织提供,例如国家联盟对精神疾病(NAMI),也可以帮助恐慌障碍和家庭成员。



  • 坚持你的计划,无论该人的感受如何。不要完全重新排列你的生活,以解决别人的焦虑。例如,如果您计划与朋友出去或参观大家庭,仍然这样做,即使他们觉得太害怕走了。
  • 与他们划清界限,例如限制您在工作或决定您可以使用的日子时需要花费的电话数量,以便在家之外提供。

A Word From Verywell

Even though coping with a loved one with panic disorder can be demanding, assisting them in overcoming it can be rewarding for your relationship. By supporting them through this journey, you can improve communication, foster trust, and enhance intimacy. With kindness, empathy, patience, understanding, and love, family and friends can serve as some of the most effective instruments for recovery.

Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read oureditorial process了解更多有关如何检查事实并保持内容准确、可靠和值得信赖的信息。
  1. 亚当斯TR,拉宾LA,达席尔瓦VG,卡茨MJ,福格尔J,利普顿RB。社会支持缓冲抑郁症状对晚年生活满意度的影响Clin Gerontol. 2016;39(2):139-157. 内政部:10.1080/07317115.2015.1073823

  2. Zaki J, Williams WC.Interpersonal emotion regulation情感。2013; 13(5):803-810。DOI:10.1037 / A0033839

  3. Palardy V、El Baalbaki G、Fredette C、Rizkallah E、Guay S。强迫症和惊恐障碍伴广场恐怖症患者的社会支持和症状严重程度:一项系统评价Eur J Psychol。2018;14(1):254-286. doi:10.5964/ejop.v14i1.1252
