
Woman looking anxiously out window



Additionally, according to information found in the精神障碍诊断和统计手册(DSM 5)这两种情况都被归类为“焦虑症”,但恐慌症和恐惧症被视为单独的情况,每个条件都有一套不同的诊断标准。

What Is a Phobia?

A phobia is defined as a relentless fear of a certain object or situation. The fear associated with a phobia goes beyond just feelings of dislike or discomfort. A person with a phobia is severely afraid of the object or situation, far beyond any threat of danger it presents.

For example, many people have an aversion to spiders, but a person who has a fear of spiders (arachnophobia)如果遇到蜘蛛,他们会竭尽全力避开蜘蛛,甚至可能会以别人认为不合理的方式行事。

Phobia sufferers may recognize that their fear is excessive and irrational, but often feel unable to control their apprehension. Avoidance behaviors are common, as the phobic is determined to stay away from her specific fear. If forced to face the feared object or situation, the person will experience marked distress and anxiety. Common symptoms of phobias include accelerated heart rate, shaking, feelings of terror, and a tremendous need to get away from the object or situation.


As outlined in the DSM, phobias fall into one of three main categories:

  • 特异性恐惧症
  • Social phobias (social anxiety disorder)
  • Agoraphobia

Specific Phobias

特异性恐惧症involve a fear of a particular object or situation. Common specific phobias include a fear of particular situations (e.g., heights, flying, elevators), medical circumstances (e.g., blood, needles, dentists), nature/environmental influences (e.g., water, tornadoes, earthquakes), or animals (e.g., snakes, dogs, bees).

Social Phobias

Social phobias在社会环境中,过分害怕被尴尬或消极评价。一个有社交恐惧症的人会避免在公共场合做活动,比如说,在这种活动中,他们会面临被别人评判的风险。


Agoraphobiamay similarly involve a fear of being embarrassed, however, the person is afraid of having a panic attack in a place or situation in which it would be embarrassing and/or difficult to flee from. The symptoms of agoraphobia typically lead to further limitations in one's life such as avoiding driving, crowds, or large open spaces.


惊恐发作而惊恐样症状,如颤抖、呼吸急促、出汗过多,是惊恐障碍和恐惧症的典型症状。然而,这些症状在每个情况下触发的方式不同。有恐惧心理的人经历恐慌和焦虑when thinking about or being exposed to their fear.

Panic disorder sufferers, on the other hand, are not generally triggered by a specific fear. People with panic disorder experience panic attacks suddenly and unexpectedly. People with panic disorder often must cope with a fear of when their next panic attack will strike. It is also possible to have a co-occurring diagnosis of both a specific phobia and panic disorder.

Panic Disorder
  • Heart palpitations or accelerated heart rate

  • Excessive sweating, trembling or shaking

  • Shortness of breath or smothering sensations

  • Sudden and unexpected recurring panic attacks

  • Fear of when next attack will strike

  • 头晕、颤抖和心率增加

  • 呼吸lessness

  • 虚幻

  • Extreme, irrational fear of situation, living creature, place, or object

  • 思考或暴露于非理性恐惧时的恐慌



这个treatment optionsavailable for phobias are similar to those for panic disorder. Most people diagnosed with a phobia will choose a combination ofpsychotherapy药物治疗和自助技术,帮助他们控制症状。


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  • American Psychiatric Association (2013).精神障碍诊断与统计手册(第5版).” Washington, DC.