
In This Article

It’s important to find a good therapist with whom you feel comfortable. After all, you might talk about uncomfortable subjects—or even share things you’ve never told anyone before.

所以你要工作的人你就会打开up to—not to mention listen to. But there are so many options and choices out there that choosing a therapist can feel overwhelming.

Looking through an online directory may yield hundreds (if not thousands) of results. How do you pick someone to work with based on a short bio and picture? And if you are seeking help through an online therapy platform, how do you find a good fit when you may be speaking to a therapist primarily through a text-based chat or video chat?





You may have received a suggestion to work with a particular therapist. Maybe a friend said, “This therapist helped me so much. You should call them and make an appointment too.” But will that particular therapist be able to help you as well?

It depends. While the therapist may have great skills, their work with you will only be effective if you feel connected to them. So the same therapist that made a great impact on your friend may not work out well for you if you don’t feel that personal connection.


In fact, your relationship with your therapist, often referred to as the “治疗联盟,” will most likely be a determining factor in how helpful therapy is for you.

The Therapeutic Alliance

Edward Bordin, one of the first researchers to examine the effect of therapeutic alliance, found that the alliance isn’t just composed of a bond between the therapist and the patient. It also has to do with agreement on the goals of therapy and the methods used to reach those goals.

The therapist and the patient need to like one another. They also need to feel there is good communication and a mutual willingness to work together.


In fact, when the American Psychological Association (APA) created a task force to determine the most effective type of therapy, they discovered that the type of therapy mattered less than this therapeutic relationship. Regardless of whether the therapist used “cognitive behavioral therapy“ 或者 ”psychodynamic therapy“患者的改善取决于治疗师和患者的程度如何。


Their report was based on multiple research studies showing that a therapeutic alliance plays an extremely important role in the process.他们得出结论,当他们对治疗师的支持时,患者更有可能改变生活。

So they recommend that therapists continuously monitor interactions with their patients and check on them in terms of how they feel the process is going. Therapists are encouraged to work on improving the relationship if there appear to be communication issues or problems with trust.

Consider Who You Might Work Best With


  • Gender —你觉得你对男人还是女人感到舒服?
  • 年龄 -您想与年龄较大,年轻或周围的人合作吗?
  • 宗教 -如果治疗师有特定的宗教信仰,这对你有什么关系吗?


Of course, you might have no idea who you want to speak to. That’s OK too. You can usually just say you don’t have a preference if you’re asked.

你可以更多的了解你apists you have to choose from. Keep in mind most therapists don’t make much of their personal lives public. But they will often share a few basic facts in their biographies, so you can try and find someone you might relate to before scheduling the first appointment.

When you contact a therapy office or complete an initial questionnaire for在线治疗, you’ll usually be asked a few questions about your basic preferences. Certain sites, such as aChristian counselingsite, may ask how important it is to you for Biblical principles to be introduced into your work together.

Many online sites also ask you to provide some basic information on what you’d like to address in therapy, such as anxiety, parenting issues, or substance abuse. Then, they will give you several therapists to choose from.




  • LCSW许可的临床社会工作者
  • LMFT- 许可的婚姻和家庭治疗师
  • NCC— National Certified Counselor
  • LCDC— Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor
  • LPC— Licensed Professional Counselor
  • LMHC— Licensed Mental Health Counselor
  • PsyD- 心理学博士万博maxbetx官网登陆
  • PhD- 哲学博士
  • MD— Doctor of Medicine (physician psychiatrist)

You may see some other variations as each state has its own licensing board and credentialing system.



Licensed therapists must meet state qualifications, which may include the following:

  • Passing a licensing test
  • Passing a background check
  • 执行一定数量的监督时间
  • 保持继续教育学分

So while you may want to know what type of degree your therapist has, just know their credentials are proof that your state has given a stamp of approval that the individual is competent to provide services.

然而,可能比某人的凭据更重要,但是,他们的专业领域. Reading the bio can help you understand how much experience any certain therapist has in treating someone with issues similar to yours. And it can give you some insight into how that person works and what sorts of treatments they provide.

要问的问题a Therapist Before You Meet

Some therapists will offer a free brief consultation over the phone prior to scheduling your first appointment. This can allow you to get to know the person a little and ask any questions you may have.

If you’re given this opportunity, take it. While a phone call won’t guarantee you’ll be able to tell whether the therapist is a good match, it may help you narrow down your options when you’re trying to choose between several individuals.

Studies show a therapist’s ability to show warmth, genuineness, and empathy is key to their ability to form a therapeutic alliance. So consider this your chance to conduct a brief interview with the therapist and see how you feel about their responses.

During a consultation, you mightask some questionsabout how they conduct treatment and how they help people who are looking to reach goals similar to yours. You can even ask how they help their patients get comfortable with therapy.


During an initial session, your therapist will likely explain how therapy works, provide you with information on confidentiality, and ask you to sign some forms.

From there you may be interviewed about the problems or symptoms you are experiencing and your goals for treatment. The therapist may ask questions about your childhood, your medical history, your family, and any history of past mental health treatment.


您在初始治疗期间的经验可能会有所不同,具体取决于您是否在网上或亲自见面。另一个因素是您是否支付现金或支付保险公司。例如,如果您亲自见面和治疗师将要达到保险公司,他们可能需要进行彻底的评估,帮助他们确定您是否符合A的标准mental health diagnosis,喜欢抑郁症。这是因为大多数保险公司只涵盖被诊断患有精神疾病的人的心理健康治疗。万博手机客户端

On the other hand, if you’re meeting with an online therapist and want to address a specific issue (like conflict you’re having with a spouse), the therapist may focus mostly on that topic as opposed to trying to gain a broad view of your life.


What to Do If Your Therapist Isn’t a Good Match


If you’ve been working with your therapist a while, you may want to talk about the fact that you aren’t feeling a connection. This can feel a bit awkward or uncomfortable, but therapists have these conversations often. If there’s an issue that can be addressed, they may want to address it with you.

They might also help you find someone who is better suited to your needs and refer you to that person.


If you’re seeing a therapist online, you can request to change therapists there too. Sometimes, a few clicks of a button is all it takes to transfer you to someone new. You may be asked to give some feedback on why you and the other therapist weren’t a good match. And you might also be able to provide additional input about what type of therapist you want to work with in the future.

Don’t feel bad if you change therapists. Sometimes, for one reason or another, the therapist and the patient just don’t click. And that’s OK. It’s important to make sure you work with someone that you feel comfortable with, so you can get the most out of treatment.

A Word From Verywell



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Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our社论过程要了解有关我们如何检查的更多信息,请保持内容准确,可靠和值得信赖。
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  2. 关于基于证据的治疗关系的互动(APA部门12和29)的结论和建议。心理治疗的进步社会。https://societyforpsychotherapy.org/evidence-based-therapy-relationships/.

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  4. 兰伯特MJ,大麦德。治疗关系与心理治疗结果研究综述。Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training. 2001;38(4):357-361. doi:10.1037/0033-3204.38.4.357