如果您遭受了对社交场合的一般恐惧,exposure therapy可以帮助您在您担心的情景中逐渐变得不那么焦虑。您可以在认知行为治疗师提供的传统治疗之外练习暴露作为自助策略。
Slowly Build Confidence
It is important to be fully present in situations and engage with people in order to experience anxiety and then have it gradually subside.
Although the ideal situation is to practice exposures in real life, if you are too afraid to start out doing this or do not have access to the scenarios that you fear, you can also start out with imagined exposures. Over time, you can then build up to real scenarios, also known as "in vivo."
Listed below are a series of situations that you could potentially include on your恐惧层次结构接触社交场合。您将想创建一个独一无二的列表,其中包括您担心严重程度顺序的这些方案。
- 询问某人的时间。停在街上或商店里的某人并询问时间。
- 与电梯里有人交谈。Instead of standing idly in an elevator, make small talk about the weather or a recent news event.
- Give someone a compliment.诚恳真诚compliment对某些你钦佩的东西。
- Talk to a classmate or coworker.当您到达工作或课程时,请尝试与同事或同学说话。询问周末是如何或关于工作或学校任务的。
- Join a conversation.Try加入正在进行的谈话either at work, at school, or at a social function.
- Give a differing opinion.如果您对某事的某些人有不同的意见,请尝试提供您的观点,而不是自动同意另一个人所说的。
- 叫一个朋友。打电话给某人that you haven't talked to in a while or that you would like to get to know better.
- Invite a friend to do something.为某人制定计划,就像看到电影或带狗一起散步。
- 和一个团队一起出去享用午餐。Plan to go out for lunch with friends, colleagues or classmates.
- 在你家举办派对。为几个朋友或家庭成员计划一个派对或聚集在家中。
Although there is much that you can do on your own to manage social anxiety, if you find that your fear is severe, it is important to contact your doctor or a mental health professional for adiagnosisandtreatment options。