Living with panic disorder can result in many unique stressors and cause disruption across various aspects of one’s life. A person’s career may be negatively impacted, relationships may suffer, and self-esteem may be reduced. Simple day-to-day tasks can also become a struggle, as people with焦虑症容易担心,集中困难,常见的忧虑。
The following list contains information on some of the most common stressors faced by panic disorder sufferers:
存在诊断出来恐慌症可能对您的关系产生深远的影响。有许多方式,您的症状可能会妨碍您的社交联系。例如,亲人可能会发现它很难与你的压倒性焦虑和恐慌发作的感受以及恐惧和恐惧和恐惧避免行为有关联广播恐惧症can prevent you from spending quality time with family and friends.
你可能不知道如何explain your panic disorder to others那which can leave loved ones feeling confused and possibly even frustrated.
Even though panic disorder can cause a great deal of stress in your relationships, social support is one of the most valuable aspects of your recovery process. Loved ones can provide you with the encouragement you need to deal with your condition. By building your support network, you may be able to get past feelings ofloneliness和孤立并保持健康的关系。
除了亲密的朋友和家庭外,恐慌症也会影响你的专业关系。许多有这种情况的人保持症状一个秘密,发现很难告诉别人他们的疾病。不幸的是,有许多刻板印象和myths about panic disorderthat may contribute to negative judgments from coworkers.
焦虑和其他症状也可以使其难以关注您的工作任务。当你不断担心,专注于恐惧时,专注于工作可能具有挑战性,或者关心你的下一个panic attack会罢工。在工作中管理您的症状,首先识别您的触发器,并计划通过恐慌攻击进行策略,manage your anxiety那and reduce your worry.
Having panic disorder often comes with many extra stressors. However, there are numeroustreatment options可用于恐慌障碍,可以帮助您处理这些额外的压力源。您的医生或治疗师将能够帮助您创建一个治疗计划这将解决提高您的整体生活质量的方法。