What to Do After You Hurt Your Partner

What to do when you've upset your partner

Verywell / JR Bee


While you may prefer to feign ignorance and wait for happy days to come again if your partner is hurt by something you've done, research shows that tackling the issue head-on is usually the best course of action.虽然起初可能是不舒服的,但清理你的情绪混乱会导致诚实的谈话,从长远来看。

Below are some simple ways you can improve your communication with your partner when they're hurt and avoid angry stand-offs andsilent treatments

请注意,本文不涉及伤害emotional or physical abuse。如果您处于虐待关系,请尽快寻求专业和法律帮助。

Acknowledge Their Feelings

Don't ignore the situation or try to make a joke about it. You may not like how your partner feels, but you should still respect their feelings and show empathy.

All they want is to feel understood, accepted, and cared for by you. Like you really get them. It’s okay if you disagree with their response. That’s not the point. The point is to simply acknowledge their hurt feelings.

想想听到这些话有多好,“我可以理解为什么会让你生气。”那种类型的陈述可以make your partner feel heard这对他们感受到他们的感受是可以的。

What Not To Say

Here are some examples of phrases that are not helpful and can actuallymake the conflict worse

  • “没什么大不了的。”这对他们来说是一个很大的事项,所以它也应该对你来说。如果您认为您的伴侣过度反应并不重要。因为你所做的事情,他们受伤了,现在是你的工作让他们感觉更好。
  • "I can make this better for you."Thinking you have the solutionto your partner's problem or issue will probably be taken as patronizing. Your partner may simply want understanding from you, as opposed to comforting.
  • "You don't make sense."Your partner may have a different take on the situation, but that doesn't mean their concerns aren't valid.
  • "..."根本没有说或避免对话并不有助于解决冲突。相反,如果您需要一个超时或空间来冷却一下,请说。



It's important to show your partner that you know you made a mistake and that you're willing to take full responsibility for your actions.


Instead, take responsibility for the hurtful things you said or did. Here are some helpful phrases:

  • “我知道我做错了什么。我希望在我采取行动之前曾经想过。我犯了一个很大的错误。“
  • “我的所作所为没有借口。”
  • “我跟你说话的方式错了,我没有意识到我有多伤到你。”







虽然重要的是要求宽恕, keep in mind that your partner may not be ready.

Think carefully about what you can do to make things right. If you're not sure what would help, ask your partner what you can do to make them feel better. Token gestures, empty promises, and insincere apologies can do more harm than good.


Get Professional Help


夫妻咨询can be very effective, especially if couples seek it out sooner rather than later. A counselor can help you identify destructive patterns and teach you how to communicate more effectively. Counseling may also give you insight into your partner’s feelings and concerns.

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  1. 整体NC,McNulty JK。What type of communication during conflict is beneficial for intimate relationships?Curr Opin Psychol。2017;13:1–5. doi:10.1016/j.copsyc.2016.03.002