Many people believe that you should only seek relationship counseling when separation or divorce are looming. But that is often too little, too late. Relationship therapy should begin as soon as the problems get in the way of your daily life. Here are some signs that you might benefit from a consultation:
- 你难以互相表达你的感受
- 你有一个或多个无法解决的分歧
- 有退出,批评或蔑视您的互动
- 一个紧张的事件唤起了你的日常生活
- 你遇到了决策的困难
- You experienced infidelity, addiction, or potential abuse
- 你想要一个更强大的关系
想到这一点the average couple waits six yearsbefore seeking therapy. This is a lot of time to let problems fester; at this point, troubled relationships are difficult to save. It is therefore important to acknowledge problems early and seek therapy as soon as possible.
Relationship therapy isn’t just for已婚人士: cohabiting couples, people in non-monogamous relationships and LGBTQ people can also benefit. It can also be helpful for siblings dealing with family issues, or even business partners!
- 价值观和信仰
- Roles and responsibilities
- Sex and affection
- 财政
- 沟通
- 是否有孩子
- 育儿选择
- 家庭关系
There are a number of professionals who can offer relationship therapy, including clinical psychologists, registered marriage and family therapists, licensed counselors, and licensed clinical social workers. Remember that even though their title says “marriage”, you do not need to be married to benefit from relationship counseling.
If you can't find references from people you know, there are many other ways to find a qualified therapist, such as professional directories. You can even seek out在线关系咨询,如果这对您和您的伴侣更方便。
Take advantage of the free consultation that many therapists offer for potential new clients. This is a great time to see if the particular counselor suits your needs, style, and budget. Therapist-client relationships can affect your life in many profound ways, and you should choose wisely.
Online Relationship Counseling
- 你和你的伴侣生活在不同的地方。这可能适用于处于长途关系的人或分居和考虑永久分裂的人。在线疗法服务使两个合作伙伴可以选择参加,即使它们分开。
- 你经常旅行工作。在线选项允许人们从咨询中受益,无论他们的日程计划是多么忙碌,或者他们所在的世界。
- You or your partner are not comfortable with traditional therapy. Face-to-face therapy can be challenging, uncomfortable, or even anxiety-provoking for some people. Web-based solutions can make relationship counseling more accessible.
The first few sessions will focus on your history and the problems you are there to solve. Be prepared to answer questions about your relationship, your parents, your childhood, and relationship experiences before your current one. Your therapist will possibly want to spend some time talking to everyone together and to each member separately.
您的治疗方法将取决于您的辅导员的风格和他们使用的治疗方法。最研究的关系疗法风格是emotionally-focused therapy, or EFT。EFT is based on附件理论,并旨在促进夫妻成员或家庭之间的健康相互依赖性。
其他类型的关系疗法包括Imago therapy和戈特曼方法。询问您的顾问,他们接受过哪种方法,他们认为他们认为最适合您的情况。
Be Honest
Prepare Yourself for Discomfort
治疗can often cause discomfort because you are discovering new truths about yourself, not all of them nice or happy. Working on yourself requires that you sit with your discomfort and acknowledge that you need to grow and improve. Your therapist is there to help but ultimately is it up to you to do the work.
治疗happens just as much in sessions as between them. Your counselor might give you homework or ask you to try new patterns of communication and interaction in between appointments. It's going to take time and effort, but remember that it is worth it.
If Your Partner Refuses Therapy