10 Common Positive Emotions Beyond Happiness


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部分being happyis感觉happy, moment to moment, throughout our lives. But what does "feeling happy" really mean? Is it the feeling we get eating an ice cream cone in the heat of summer? The feeling we get sitting next to someone we deeply love? The feeling we get when something goes our way?


Without understanding more of the nuance behind the phrase "feeling happy," we can miss opportunities for positiveemotion在我们的生活中。在她的书中Positivity,心理学家芭芭拉弗雷德罗克森建议我们体验了一系列积极情绪,其中每一个都有助于我们以有用的方式建立资源或扩大我们的观点。

There are a number of positive emotions that can play a role in happiness. Take a quick look at those 10 common positive emotions and what they do for us.





The feeling of感激motivates us to consider ways that we might pay it forward by showing care and thoughtfulness to others.


When we accomplish a goal or contribute in an important way, we feel pride in our own abilities. Whether it’s getting the promotion you’ve worked hard for or sticking to a fitness goal for six weeks, recognizing our own abilities provides us with the necessary motivation to continue设置和实现目标将来。


We feel serene or content when we find ourselves in circumstances that feel right and easy. Think of a lazy Sunday morning with the family or enjoying the calm and quiet of a walk through a garden. Serenity, Frederickson argues, encourages us to savor the present moment, and reevaluate our priorities, deepening our understanding of ourselves.


We get curious about the world when we encounter something new and feel safe to explore it. Whether it’s binge-reading articles on your favorite subject or discovering a new neighborhood in your town, interest invites us to explore and learn so that we gain knowledge.


From refined wit to slapstick hijinks, amusement or humor is the emotion tied to laughter. Psychologists cite “nonserious social incongruity” as the source of our humor when we simultaneously perceive an event from two different or even incompatible perspectives (think of your favorite bad pun).

But whatever it is that makes you chuckle, when we do it with others, we strengthen our bonds to those people even more.






Something is truly awesome when it pulls us in and brings us a sense of connectedness to something bigger than ourselves. Grandiose goodness or beauty, like a view of the starlit sky from a remote place, can stop us in our tracks, overpowered by wonder and respect. Awe transforms our views on the world and our place in it.



Which one of these emotions do you feel least frequently in your own life? Choose one. For a week or two, focus on creating moments to experience it and enjoy a new shade of happy.

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