- 调查超过1600人发现,较高水平的抑郁和焦虑可能影响了人们在大流行期间的运动动机。
- 缺乏社会支持、空间有限以及无法获得锻炼设备也使许多参与者难以锻炼。
- People can increase their exercise motivation by starting with low-impact activities and teaming up with a workout buddy.
在四月份,PLOS One发布了对超过1600名人员的调查研究结果,发现那些经历了大流行期间抑郁和焦虑水平的人也倾向于最不活跃。人们还说,焦虑,缺乏社会支持,以及有限的锻炼设备和空间使得难以运动。
Here’s what the research shows about how stress and anxiety from the pandemic sabotaged exercise motivation for many people, and tips for getting back into physical activity.
麦克马斯特大学的研究团队Western University in Ontario, Canada, surveyed 1,669 people to learn about how their physical activity, sedentary behavior, and mental health changed during the initial COVID-19 lockdowns, compared to before the pandemic.
More than 80% of participants were women. Most lived in Canada, were between 18 and 45 years old, and had a bachelor’s degree or higher levels of education. Nearly half of participants knew someone who was at high risk of COVID-19 (such as a person with a compromised immune system, or a healthcare worker caring for COVID patients), which may have contributed to their压力and anxiety.
Desreen N. Dudley,Psyd
Due to many adults working longer hours at home and struggling to strike a healthy balance between work life and home life, engaging in self-care activities such as exercise has felt like an unproductive use of time.
“由于许多成年人在家工作的时间更长,并且努力在工作生活和家庭生活之间取得健康的平衡,从事诸如锻炼之类的自理活动让人觉得是对时间的徒劳利用,特别是如果这段时间很容易被基本任务所占据,比如在工作中多花些时间来提高工作效率,照顾家人的需要。达德利,PsyD,美国Teladoc., which provides virtual healthcare.
Barriers to Exercise
Another major factor was the closure of gyms and other fitness facilities. Around 45% of people said that lack of access to健身房使他们在流感大流行期间无法锻炼,而之前只有5%。同样,缺乏设备也成为约30%的人的障碍,比大流行前水平增加了约25个百分点。
P. Priyanka,MD
As much as we know about the positive side of physical activity and exercise, a person dealing with depression and anxiety struggles to engage in such activities because low energy and lack of motivation are fairly common symptoms.
“People tend to give up on things that are not absolutely necessary for living, and, unfortunately, exercise is one of those things. It soon becomes a vicious cycle because less activity further decreases your energy level which in turn makes you even less likely to be physically active,” she adds.
Understanding and Increasing Exercise Motivation
这种流行病不仅影响了研究参与者的锻炼习惯,还改变了他们的一些生活习惯reasons for working out.
Anxiety relief was a motivation for nearly 60% of people during the pandemic—up from around 45 percent before. The proportion of people using physical activity for stress reduction climbed by about 5 percentage points. And slightly more people also looked to improved sleep as a motivating factor to work up a sweat.
Desreen N. Dudley,Psyd
For those struggling with engaging in physical activity because anxiety or depression levels are too high, or feel uncertain whether physical activity can actually help, consider seeking support from a mental health professional.
“While aerobic exercises such as running and swimming are great for the brain and mood, yoga with a focus on breathing, meditation, and mindfulness is helpful in reducing anxiety and increasing confidence in the ability to engage in physical activity,” she says.
Dudley博士补充说,与朋友锻炼 - 无论是虚拟还是安全的人 - 也可以帮助您坚持锻炼目标。
And while exercise can make a positive difference on your emotional wellbeing, you may need to tackle mental health symptoms in a more structured setting to increase your motivation and feel better overall.
“For those struggling with engaging in physical activity because anxiety or depression levels are too high, or feel uncertain whether physical activity can actually help, consider seeking support from a mental health professional,” says Dr. Dudley.
What This Means For You