The Stress-Free Way to Go Back to the Office After COVID

illustration of office workers

Verywell / Bailey Mariner

Key Takeaways

  • More than two-thirds of workers say they’re concerned about returning to the office, according to a recent survey.
  • 返回办公室可能会带来福利,如提高生产力,更孤独,工作与家庭生活之间的更坚定边界。
  • Maintaining a positive outlook, setting personal boundaries, and practicing self-care can help ease anxieties about returning to the office.

经过一年多年的遥远工作由Covid-19大流行,许多雇主开始重新打开他们的办公室 - 工人的情感。一些让人与同事合作的想法,并在他们的厨房桌上交换他们的厨房桌子进行专用工作区。

But those looking forward to returning to the office seem to be in the minority. Around two-thirds of workers say they’re worried about the transition, according to a survey of 1,000 full- and part-time workers conducted by Envoy in mid-February.多达29%的价值,遥控工作的灵活性和安全性如此之大,他们表示他们会在他们的雇主坚持他们回到办公室时辞职。

让我们仔细看看为什么工人感觉如此stressed out根据心理健康专家的说法,关于返回办公室,以及使过渡更容易的方法。万博手机客户端


在家工作为人们提供了一种方法来继续谋生,而不会冒着冠状病毒的暴露。许多工人担心,如果他们被迫在公共交通上通勤,并且再次在公共交通上花费9:00到5:00再次与同事一起度过9:00至5:00黎明Kamilah Brown,MD,儿童,青少年,成人和体育精神科医生,以及所有者和首席执行官ADHD Wellness CenterandMental Healthletics

黎明Kamilah Brown, MD

我的大多数病人担心如果将safe to return to work, considering that the majority of Americans have not yet been vaccinated. Some have expressed concerns about being exposed to the coronavirus and, at worst, getting very sick and dying.

— Dawn Kamilah Brown, MD


On top of health and safety concerns, many employees also worry about losing the benefits of working remotely. If you're vaccinated, this may already be your biggest concern.

“Most of my patients who are able to work from home value the perks of flexibility and zero commute time,” saysRashmi Parmar,md,成人和儿童精神科医生Community Psychiatry。“其中一些人报告了更多的生产力,同时在家里致力于在家里工作,并在工作中感知社会互动,以令人痛苦或分散注意力。”

Feelings about returning to the office aren’t all bad, though. Many workers are looking forward to reconnecting with colleagues and asense of normalcyin the workplace, saysRenee A. Exelbert, PhD, a licensed psychologist and founding director of The Metamorphosis Center for Psychological and Physical Change.

“Some are very eager to return to normal, especially if they have been caring for young children at home during work hours, and are craving adult stimulation and routine,” she says. “By and large, I have seen the majority of individuals express a desire for some sort of hybrid work model going forward, such as three days in the office, two days at home.”

Her patients’ desires for a hybrid work model echo the findings of a survey of 1,200 U.S. office workers and 133 executives conducted by PwC in late 2020, which showed that 55% of workers prefer to continue working remotely at least three days per week after COVID-19 risks subside.

Easing the Transition Back to the Office

Whether you’re returning to the office full time or just a few days per week, the disruption to your daily routine can feel daunting. All of a sudden, you’ll be interacting with far more people than usual, and you’ll probably need to adjust your schedule to accommodate your commute. How can you lessen the stress that comes with this change in your work?

Start byfocusing on the positives巴黎博士说,可以回到办公室。

“It is definitely hard to give up the flexibility and ease of working from home, however, there are several advantages of resuming work in an office that the home environment lacks,” she says.

The benefits may include rebuilding social connections and curbing the寂寞many experienced during lockdown, fewer distractions that reduce your productivity, and a firmer boundary between your work and home life.

“From a career perspective, it will show your commitment to your work and your flexibility to go through another transition, which will be appreciated by your job,” addsyasmine saad.,博士,持牌临床心理学家和创始人和首席执行官Madison Park Psychological Services


It is definitely hard to give up the flexibility and ease of working from home, however, there are several advantages of resuming work in an office that the home environment lacks.

- rashmi parmar,md

感受到一些完全正常社交焦虑when thinking about going back to the office and interacting with a group of co-workers, experts say. Taking a gradual approach to socializing can help ease the transition, says Dr. Parmar.

“Start connecting with individuals or smaller groups of people first before moving on to interactions with an entire team,” she says. “Start building your support network at work again and specifically prioritize spending time with coworkers who are supportive and get along well with you. Offer to have a socially distanced meeting in person outside of work or a casual coffee break while working to connect with them.”

Keep in mind that the safety precautions of the pandemic upended social norms, like shaking hands. Figuring out what feels comfortable to you now and developing a plan to respect yourpersonal boundariescan help you feel safer, says Dr. Brown.

“Having a plan on what approach feels safe, comfortable, and avoids feeling awkward is ideal,” she says. “Modeling this approach with co-workers can also set the expectations for how they are to engage with you. This makes it easier for everyone to focus on the work they love.”

最后,与老板谈谈,看看你是否可以在一周的一部分继续遥远的 - 所以如果它一直在为你工作,你可以保持一些灵活性。

“State your desire and come up with a plan that would work for your boss,” says Dr. Saad. “Show your boss how it will benefit your job to have these needs met. For example, you will be more efficient and productive without having to commute.”


Even as you work to make the transition easier, returning to the office may feel overwhelming at times. Practicingself-care可以帮助您应对变革的压力。

“Start getting into the routine of a regular workday a week beforehand to allow a smoother transition,” Dr. Parmar suggests. “Follow a healthy routine with timely meals, consistent sleep timings, adequate physical activity, and relaxation time. Set aside breaks at work at regular intervals to destress and rejuvenate yourself during work hours.”

She also recommends being mindful of warning signs of stress, such as shortness of breath, headaches, heaviness in your chest, raised heart rate, and general body aches, and taking steps to address it in real time.

“Stock your desk with things that can relieve stress, such as a stress ball, a calmingessential oildiffuser, a favorite snack, or framed photos of your loved ones,” she says.


蕾妮A. Exelbert,博士

Try not to feel guilty if you are not totally thrilled to be back in your office. There will definitely be some desirable things absent, and it is OK to feel some sense of loss.

- Renee A. Exelbert,PHD

“Getting back to normal, or to a new normal, will take some time. Be patient with yourself as you adjust,” she says. “Try not to feel有罪的if you are not totally thrilled to be back in your office. There will definitely be some desirable things absent, and it is OK to feel some sense of loss.”

Just how long the transition takes can vary from person to person. The adjustment period might last anywhere from three weeks to three months, on average, says Dr. Brown.

提醒自己,就像远程工作一样,回​​到办公室最终会觉得生活的正常部分 - 一个带有优势的正常部分,以及一些挑战,这将有助于您加强抵御变革压力的恢复力。



Consider talking to your boss about trying a hybrid approach that keeps you working remotely, at least some of the time. If you need to come into the office, try to focus on the potential benefits, like reduced loneliness and improved productivity. Setting personal boundaries, practicing self-care, and taking a gradual approach to socializing can also help alleviate anxieties.

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