Social anxietygroup therapy可以采取多种形式。最常见的群体治疗形式之一social anxiety disorder(SAD) is cognitive-behavioral group therapy.
You probably have lots of questions about what group therapy will involve and how it will help you with your particularsymptoms。你甚至可能会质疑一群人 - 你可能担心的是最害怕的 - 会有助于征服你的焦虑。
Plus, other people with SAD may be some of the nicest people you will ever meet.
The group situation also lets you role-play situations that would be too threatening to face right away in real life. This comforting and safe environment is great for building confidence in your social skills before unleashing them on the “real” world.
Where to Find a Therapy Group
您通常会被您的医生,精神科医生,心理学家或其他心理健康专业人员提交给治疗组。万博手机客户端如果你最近是被诊断为悲伤, your doctor or therapist may have already recommended that you attend cognitive-behavioral group therapy for social anxiety.
If you haven't already discussed your options with your doctor about ways to cope with your social anxiety disorder, try to have a conversation about your diagnosis and treatment options, including group therapy.
社交焦虑症Discussion Guide
Get our printable guide to help you ask the right questions at your next doctor's appointment.
Group therapy is generally covered by medical insurance but it is best to check with your insurer about the specifics of your coverage.
What to Look For
If you were to attend the ideal group therapy for SAD, what would it look like? Below are some of the features one would expect from a great group.
- 本集团应仅由社交焦虑症的人组成。悲伤的治疗方案与其他疾病,甚至是其他焦虑症不同。
- 理想情况下,该集团将包含不超过六人,并将由两个治疗师带领。这允许对每个群组成员提供足够的个人关注。
- 理想情况下,该集团将是混合年龄和性别,以允许更多的角色扮演场景。
- Since not everyone will have the same fears, the sessions should be structured so that each person can practice the situations that are problematic for them.
- In terms of the therapist(s) leading the group, ideally, that person(s) will have a thorough knowledge of social anxiety disorder and experience delivering cognitive-behavioral group therapy.
During an initial visit with your therapist, you may want to ask about his/her experience with the disorder and with group therapy. If you aren't comfortable asking these types of questions, it may help to bring a family member or friend along to support you.
在第一届会议中,治疗师将呈现认知行为模型of SAD and the rationale behind treatment.
During later sessions, the group will focus on three main components: in-session exposure,认知重组和家庭作业。
- Exposure在会话中或在现实世界中进行。曝光缺乏焦虑的循环,让您留在足够长的情况下足够长的情况,您感到焦虑的自然减少。通过角色扮演,该集团可以作为一个神经公开演讲者的观众,老板为有人害怕要求提升,害怕害怕在约会的时候向别人询问人们的浪漫兴趣 - 你得到了这个想法。
- Cognitive restructuringgenerally occurs before, during and after exposure (both in-session and in the real world) and gives you the chance to test dysfunctional beliefs. You will be asked to evaluate whether your thoughts are helpful and to entertain more adaptive ways of viewing feared situations. In a group setting, the therapist will ask you what you are feeling or thinking as you go through exposure.
- Homework通常会问你要面对真实的情况s that were simulated during role play. You will also be asked to reflect on how you handle your anxiety during real-life exposure. This way, you take on the role of therapist and learn to think adaptively.
If at any point you feel that your symptoms are returning, a few additional sessions are often all that are required to regain the improvements that you made.