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你有没有注意到有些人似乎在混乱中茁壮成长,而其他人则因生活中的生命变化而被淹没?Stress是一种非常主观的体验。虽然我们中的许多人都受到大致相同的压力 -乔布斯,金钱,被超越,关系冲突—different people may react more or less strongly to the same situation for several reasons:


强调的是,我的一个被广泛接受的定义t’s what occurs when the perceived demands of a situation outweigh one’s available resources. This leads people to perceive themselves threatened, which triggers the body’s压力反应and the experience of "being stressed." Therefore, the level of resources one has available can make a significant difference in whether someone experiences stress in a given situation. It’s also important to note that "resources" refer to external factors such as physical and emotional assistance from others, money, and other physical resources, as well as internal factors such as knowledge, experience, and courage. The difference in available resources is a major factor in why two people may face the same situation and experience it differently.


  • Create强大的友谊,因此您将在压力时期拥有更大的社会支持。
  • 提前计划timeandmoney, so you'll have some reserves in case of emergency.
  • 试着有一个“计划B”,以防事情出错。这并不意味着您始终认为最坏情况的情况会发生或者您的“计划A”注定要失败,而是您为任何事情做好准备。



Build Your Personal Resilience

  • Talk to a trusted friend in times of crisis, to gain support and perspective.
  • 给自己时间来处理你生命中发生的事情(通过日记例如,在立即反应之前。有一个有用的(但不是完全必需的)有用spiritual focusthat works for you.
  • 某些压力管理技术万博manbetx是正规公司吗(如冥想and锻炼, for example) canbuild your resiliencein the face of future stressors. Try them.


影响情况被认为是“压力”的另一个因素是人们在情况下找到的含义。例如,在某种情况下具有控制感,可以让它感到不那么威胁,更有赋权。(Think of people with very few possessions because they are choosing a lifestyle of voluntary simplicity versus those who have very little because they’ve lost most of their assets in a poor economy.) Looking at the same situation as a "challenge" instead of a "threat" can make a potentially stressful experience feel invigorating instead of overwhelming. (Think of doing work that utilizes your talents and abilities versus work that’s monotonous or just too hard—doesn’t it feel different?) And cultivating an attitude of gratitude can help you see the potential gains of a situation rather than only the difficulties. (Many people talk about "looking for the gift" in a crisis.)

Change the Way You Look at Life


