患有轻度,轻度抑郁症状ay not even realize they are depressed. In fact, the chronic feelings of sadness and low mood they experience may have been around for so long that they feel normal.
However, it is not normal to go through life feeling unhappy all of the time. Everyone experiences occasional bouts of low mood in response to sad or stressful life events, but constantly feeling depressed does not have to be the story of your life.
Dysthymia was previously listed separately from chronic major depression in theDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders但是,由于第五版结合起来,障碍已被组合,因为它们之间没有发现科学有意义的差异。
The signs and symptoms of PDD are very similar tomajor depressive disorder,除了他们往往更温和并且是慢性的。
- 食欲或重量变化
- 疲劳
- Feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, or guilt
- Lack of enjoyment or pleasure in things
- 低能量和动力减少
- Restlessness
- 悲伤,泪流满面,频繁哭泣
- Sleep problems
- 死亡或自杀的思想
- Trouble concentrating, focusing, and making decisions
If you are having suicidal thoughts, contact theNational Suicide Prevention Lifelineat1-800-273-8255用于培训辅导员的支持和援助。如果您或亲人在立即危险,请致电911。
为了更多的心理健康万博手机客户端资源,看看我们的National Helpline Database。
As with major depressive disorder, persistent depressive disorder is also believed to be a multifactorial condition—meaning they are likely caused by a combination of genetic susceptibility, biochemical imbalance, life stress, and environmental circumstances.
In these cases, it becomes very difficult to say whether the depression would exist independently of the other condition. In addition, thesecomorbid conditions经常创造一个恶性循环,其中每种疾病使其他难以治疗更难以治疗。
Like other forms of depression, there isn't really ablood test或脑扫描可用于诊断令心病症。相反,医生必须通过他们可以观察的标志以及任何症状患者向他们报告。
Doctors and mental health professionals can check to see if a patient's symptoms fit into a pattern laid out by the DSM-5, a guidebook for diagnosing mental disorders such as depression.
With dysthymic disorder, doctors will need to determine if the patient's symptoms have been present for an extended period of time (a minimum of two years for adults and one year for children). In addition, they will consider whether the severity of the symptoms is less than what a patient might experience with a major depressive disorder.
医生也将使用血液和尿液测试来试图rule out possible medical conditions(如甲状腺功能减退症)可能导致慢性轻度抑郁等症状。
Other factors a doctor will consider when making a diagnosis include a patient's medical history, as well as whether there is a history of depression in their family.
Depression Discussion Guide
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- 瞄准30分钟的中度激烈的运动most days of the week, and add vigorous exercise if you are able to do so.
- 避免酒精和非法毒品。
- Be sure that you are taking your medications correctly。Tell your doctor about any supplements or herbal remedies you take.
- Eat a varied and nutritious饮食。
- Find things to do that you enjoy。
- 得到足够的sleep并确保您有一个宁静的睡眠环境。
- Seek out people for friends who are positive,支持, and show that they care about you.