The process of grieving can involve a host of different emotions including sadness, anger, guilt, and regret, and it’s helpful to have a professional there with you through the stages of this process.
一个是reavement therapist can help with things like adapting to life without your loved one, working through guilt about things you wish had gone differently, and sharing feelings that you otherwise might not have anyone with whom to share.
If you are considering bereavement therapy or have an upcoming appointment, you might be wondering what to expect or why it would be helpful for you to attend. Below are some of the different aspects of bereavement therapy that you may work through with your therapist,为了帮助您更好地了解该过程。
一个是reavement therapist can help you to get in touch with your emotions and express them in a safe space. This can be particularly helpful if you don’t have anyone to talk with or don’t feel comfortable expressing those feelings to friends or family.
Working Through Trauma
如果你目睹了你所爱的人的死亡或还有其他人traumatic aspect你的损失,丧亲疗法可以帮助你处理创伤。
Working Through Guilt
如果你有感情有罪about things that you should have done or how things could have gone differently, then a bereavement therapist can help you to work through these feelings.
Dealing With Daily Life
If your daily life is in upheaval because you lost someone who was there with you every day, then a bereavement therapist can help you to organize your life and find new ways to function to address these issues.
For example, if your spouse managed the budget or did all of the cooking or cleaning, then you will need to find a new way to get those things done. A therapist can help you to make these plans.
丧亲治疗师可以通过将您联系到社区资源或支持群体来帮助您构建支持系统offer you support。
This is particularly important if you do not know where to turn for help in your community or aren’t sure what support services are available to you.
Making Funeral Arrangements
如果你的损失是相当近来的,你的丧亲治疗师也可能能够帮助你funeral arrangements。This is important to make sure that your loved one is remembered in the way that feels right to you at a time when you might not be able to think clearly and make decisions.
一个是reavement therapist will also ask you questions to determine whether you might be living with secondarydepression由你的悲伤带来。你可能被问到的问题包括你睡了多少,你吃多少等。
Your bereavement therapist can give you tools that will last you long after you finish therapy, such asjournaling关于你的情绪和日常斗争,写关于记忆的写作,并通过写作通过问题。
Some bereavement therapists also practice art therapy.艺术治疗for grief might include creating a memory book, doing a craft project, or making other art to remember your loved one.
Do you feel as though you have unresolved issues related to your loved one’s death?
For example, perhaps you were in the middle of an argument at the point of their death. During bereavement therapy, you would have the chance to resolve these issues through processes such as the empty chair technique or other role playing scenarios.
This is better than pushing aside memories when they pop up because you are afraid of becoming overwhelmed by emotions but then never spending any time remembering your loved one.
的一些具体技术用于复杂d grief therapy include telling the story of the death, separating grief from trauma, organizing grief, dealing with guilt, and honoring your loved one.
Are you curious about the benefits of bereavement therapy or why you would want to participate? Below are some reasons to consider bereavement therapy if you are struggling with your grief:
- 学习应对技巧。Bereavement疗法可以通过生活中最糟糕的时期帮助您了解在逆境中提出的新方法,并在逆境中培养你的精神力量。
- 表达你的情绪。无论您是否经历立即损失或年龄的人,丧亲疗法都可以帮助您表达您的情绪,并且在原始创伤后甚至长期感觉更好。
- 了解你的悲伤。这种类型的疗法有助于您通过悲伤过程的各个阶段来了解您的悲伤和预期的内容(例如,拒绝,愤怒,讨价还价,抑郁和接受)。
- 恢复你的自我感。Bereavement therapy can help you to develop a new identity without your loved one, by shifting your focus to other areas of your life or other roles that you play (e.g., a widower might focus on getting together with friends if he used to spend every day with his spouse).
- 处理困难的情绪。如果您在悲伤的围攻中,丧亲治疗可以帮助您通过您在此刻遇到的痛苦和情感。
- 以健康的方式记住你所爱的人。这种类型的疗法可以帮助您保持与您所爱的人的连接,同时仍在继续您的生活。这很重要,这样你就可以对你记住那个人的方式感觉良好。
- 生命管理技能。Bereavement疗法可以帮助您管理日常生活的变化,并在没有所爱的人的情况下适应新的生活。在这种动荡的时间,让某人通过这些变化来帮助您可能很重要。
During bereavement therapy, you can expect to be involved in doing some or any of the following therapy tasks. Your therapist might also have you do other tasks depending on your specific situation.
- 描述你所爱的人的死和你对事件的感受和情感。
- 谈论与死亡周围的死亡或事件有关的任何有罪。
- Making sense of your situation and how to move forward with your life.
- 为您的日常生活制定计划,如果您所爱的人死亡大大改变。
- 学习您可以使用的工具和技术,以便在此刻开始感觉更好。
- 在私人空间中与你的治疗师说话,你可以完全表达自己,而不是担心被判断。
Who Will Benefit Most From Bereavement Therapy?
You might be a particularly good candidate for bereavement therapy if any of the following are true for you.
- You are struggling with processing the death of your loved one and your feelings have lasted longer than a year.
- 你所爱的人的死亡极大地改变了你的日常习惯或你的生活方式。
- 您没有其他支持系统或任何您可以与死亡交谈的人。
- 您有兴趣探索您的思想和情感和学习策略,以应对更好。
- 您已准备好继续使用您的生活,但也令人内疚地继续前进。
- 你想花时间记住你所爱的人,但在你做的时候发现情绪压倒。
- 你经历过traumarelated to the loss of your loved one and have not adequately processed your feelings.
A Word From Verywell