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的SUDs Rating Scale, or Subjective Units of Distress Scale (SUDs) as it is officially known, is used to measure the intensity of distress or nervousness in people with社交焦虑。泡沫是一个自我评估工具,从0到100的等级额定值。

的SUDs can be a subjective tool used by your therapist or healthcare provider to evaluate your progress and the success of your current治疗计划。通过这种方式,它可以定期使用多个月的治疗时间来衡量需要额外工作的不同痛苦或干扰领域。


一种常见的技术认知治疗is using the SUDs tool to gauge your distress or emotional state. Guidelines for the SUDs include rating the intensity of your anxiety as it is experienced in the moment and while tightening or tensing of the body.

Below is a simplified version of the scale with different guide points:

Rating Your Distress

  • 100: Unbearably upset to the point that you cannot function and may be on the verge of a breakdown
  • 90: Extremely anxious and desperate, helpless and unable to handle it
  • 80:担心和恐慌;丢失焦点和在身体中感到焦虑
  • 70:不适声占据了你的想法,你努力运作正常
  • 60:中度至强烈的不适水平
  • 50:生气和不舒服;还是功能
  • 40:轻轻地焦虑和担心
  • 30: Worried or upset; still able to function
  • 20: A little bit sad or distressed
  • 10: No distress; alert and focused
  • 0:和平完全平静


It is especially important to share this with your therapist because it reflects how you feel about your distress, rather than how anyone else judges your fears. It can be difficult to share with your therapist the intensity of what you are feeling. In this way, the SUDs gives you a simple way to express the severity of your emotions.



Use of the SUDs can help you and your therapist track improvements or setbacks. Be sure to complete the scale honestly to allow your therapist to appropriately judge what is working and what is not.


As you go through the SUDs assessment, you can identify areas to work on with your therapist. Your therapist may have you work through techniques such as disputation, during which you recognize irrational thoughts and work to replace them with more rational ways of looking at situations.




In particular, research on the use of the SUDs with children and teens has shown that miscommunication can sometimes be a problem.如果你进入这个年龄范围,一定要告诉你的治疗师or doctor if you are not sure how to use the SUDs tool.

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万博手机官网Masewell Mind仅使用高质量的来源,包括同行评审的研究,以支持我们的文章中的事实。读我们社论过程to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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