


The Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS) is a 24-item, self-rated scale used to assess how social anxiety plays a role in your life across a variety of situations. The LSAS was developed by psychiatrist and researcher Dr. Michael R. Liebowitz.

The scale might be used in research studies to determine the level of social anxiety experienced by participants, in clinical settings to assess a particular patient's symptoms, or by people who are concerned that what they are experiencing might be the焦虑症的迹象

专家推荐常规筛查fo焦虑r all women and girls over the age of 13,因此,LSA是您在常规医生访问期间可能遇到的一种筛选工具。



  • 0 =无

  • 1 =温和

  • 2 =中度

  • 3 = severe

Avoidance Questions (how often you avoid the situation)
  • 0 =从不

  • 1 =偶尔

  • 2 =频繁

  • 3 = severe

如果一个问题描述了你通常不经历的情况,那么你被要求想象如果面对这种情况,你会如何回应。所有问题都是根据情况如何影响你的问题回答上周。Below are some sample situations from the questionnaire:

  • Using a telephone in public
  • 参加小组活动
  • Eating in public




  • 55-65: Moderate social phobia
  • 65-80.: Marked social phobia
  • 80–95:严重的社交恐惧症
  • 大于95:非常严重的社交恐惧症

与任何自我报告的乐器一样,Liebowitz社会焦虑尺度的分数需要被合格的心理健康专业人员解释,并随后万博手机客户端诊断访谈对于社交焦虑症(悲伤)when warranted.



A clinical diagnosis of SAD can only be made based on an interview conducted by a trained mental health professional such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, or social worker.


你知道LSA是吗?自由用对于you to complete online if you wish? If you complete the test and find the results concerning, be sure to check with your doctor about what they might mean. While an assessment such as the LSAS can be informative, it's only in the context of a larger evaluation that the cause of your symptoms can be determined and a course of action planned.



Know that you are not alone in the way that you are feeling, and that your doctor can either conduct an assessment or refer you to a mental health professional who can provide a diagnosis and treatment options such as medication or talk therapy.

If you or a loved one are struggling with social anxiety, contact theSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline1-800-662-4357对于information on support and treatment facilities in your area.

For more mental health resources, see our国家助理数据库

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  1. Gregory KD,Chelmow D,Nelson HD等。Screening for anxiety in adolescent and adult women: A recommendation from the Women's Preventive Services Initiative安实习生。2020. DOI:10.7326 / m20-0580

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