Andrea Rice
Yoga, meditation, wellnessEducation
Arizona State UniversityHighlights
- Co-author ofThe Yoga Almanac(New Harbinger Publications, March 2020)
- 200-hour certified yoga teacher with more than 10 years experience teaching yoga and meditation
- Health and wellness writer and reporter for Yoga Journal, The Wanderlust Journal, mindbodygreen, SONIMA, New York Yoga+Life Magazine, and others
Real wellness is an internal endeavor. It’s about working toward wholeness by looking within. To be well from the inside out is a lifelong practice of self-discovery.
Andrea Rice is an award-winning journalist and a freelance writer, editor, and fact checker specializing in health and wellness. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, Yoga Journal, The Wanderlust Journal, mindbodygreen, SONIMA, NY Yoga+Life, and INDY Week, among other publications.
With more than a decade of professional experience as a yoga teacher, Andrea also has offered yoga, meditation, journaling, and creative writing workshops in New York and North Carolina, and has been a presenter at Wanderlust Festivals in Vermont. Her first book,The Yoga Almanac(New Harbinger; 2020), aligns a yoga practice with the seasons.
Andrea earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism at Arizona State University.
Verywell Mind Editorial Process
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