争论是一种使用的技术in理性的情绪行为治疗(REBT) within cognitive restructuring to treat社交焦虑和其他精神疾病。基本过程涉及质疑思想和信仰,以保持你的焦虑,并使你努力前进。
What Are REBT and Disputation?
REBT is a form of psychotherapy focused on changing emotional and behavioral problems to empower you to live a fuller life.
Developed in the 1950s by psychologistAlbert Ellis,雷培基于我们不稳定的信念,而是通过环境来说并不是我们如何处理信息并构建我们的观点。
Unlike other forms of therapy, your healthcare provider will likely be very involved in your treatment, actively working with you to identify key issues and correct irrational behaviors. A goodtherapistis empathetic, persistent, and helps you lead a productive life.
Other forms of therapy identify why irrational behavior and anxiety exist, but the cause is not necessarily explored in REBT and disputation. Instead, you work to correct the behaviors and move forward without recognizing the root cause.
REBT and Disputation Are Hard Work
REBT and disputation are not easy. The process requires a great deal of dedication and effort on your part (and your therapist's). However, the results can be long-lasting.
- In认知争议,your therapist will ask you questions challenging the logic of your responses. This can be an emotional experience and unsettling. It can cause you to reinterpret long-held beliefs and perceptions.
- Inimaginal disputation, your therapist will encourage you to use imagery to examine different aspects of situations that upset you. By imagining different angles in a given situation, you can change how you reflect on a situation and adjust your responses accordingly.
A Word From Verywell
Through disputation, you become empowered to manage your anxiety by managing future adversity. It a lifelong technique to promote your ability to handle your fears moving forward. Though it is hard work, the effort that you put in now will allow you to reap benefits for years to come. If you feel as though you are living with social anxiety, ask your doctor whether therapy such as REBT might be an option.