Psychotherapy for Treating Panic Disorder

Patient during psychoanalysis session
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心理干预往往用于治疗panic disorder。一些常见的干预措施被认为是有益的减少panic attacksandagoraphobic.symptoms include:


Cognitive behavioral therapy(CBT)侧重于行为和思维过程在理解和控制焦虑和恐慌袭击方面的重要性。治疗的焦点是不充分,阻碍性和破坏性的行为和非理性思维过程,这有助于持续症状。例如,如果您的恐慌攻击可能导致某些情况(行为)可能导致可能导致某些情况(行为),不受控制的令人担忧(想法)。

CBT has been scientifically studied for the treatment of panic disorder. Research has suggested that this form of treatment is effective in alleviating many of the symptoms of panic and anxiety. If using CBT techniques, expect to work on changing thoughts and behaviors for quick results in increased ability to control your symptoms.


唐纳德Meichenbaum,博士,这是一位心理学家,他对认知行为治疗的贡献表示。他开发了认知行为修改(CBM), which focuses on identifying dysfunctional self-talk in order to change unwanted behaviors. Meichenbaum views behaviors as outcomes of our own self-verbalizations.



Rational emotive behavior therapy(REBT)是由Albert Ellis,Ph.D开发的认知行为技术。众所周知,雷培是治疗各种焦虑症的治疗。REBT中使用的认知和行为技术表明了治疗恐慌症的有效性。

Considered the grandfather of CBT, Ellis developed his technique to teach his patients to detect and dispute “irrational beliefs” or消极的想法他认为造成了他们的心理问题。


Panic-focused psychodynamic psychotherapy is a form of treatment for panic disorder based on certain psychoanalytic concepts. In general, these concepts assume that people are defined by early human experiences and that unconscious motives and psychological conflicts are at the core of current behavior. The unconscious mind, or subconscious, is a hiding place for painful emotions.Defense mechanisms保持这些痛苦的情绪隐藏,但如果可以将这些痛苦的情绪带入有意识的头脑,可以处理它们,并且可以消除或减少恐慌障碍和相关行为的症状。


根据美国精神病学会,益处group therapy可能包括:

  1. 通过提供具有类似症状和困难的人的经验来减少羞耻和耻辱;
  2. Providing opportunities for modeling, inspiration, and reinforcement by other group members; and
  3. 为患者提供自然发生的曝光环境,担心在社交场合中具有恐慌症状。



Article Sources
万博手机官网Masewell Mind仅使用高质量的来源,包括同行评审的研究,以支持我们的文章中的事实。读我们社论过程to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  • Corey, Gerald. (2012). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy, 9th ed., Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole.
  • Kaplan MD,Harold I.和Sadock Md,Benjamin J.(2011)。Kaplan和Sadock的精神病学概要:行为科学/临床精神病学,11日Ed。,费城:浪费Kluwer。