New Findings About Stress and Health

工作压力负担 - 压倒性 -  michael-blann.jpg
压力可以称重超过你可能意识到的更多。以下是关于压力和健康的研究。 Michael Blann/ Getty Images


In recent years, there have been many interesting and informative research studies on stress and many articles on the topic on this site have linked extra resources to help you put what you learn into action in your own life.

While no single study provides the whole picture of the link between stress and health, the following list of studies does provide some important information that you can use right now. Let this stress and health research be your guide to changes you can make today for a healthier tomorrow.


Yoga has a reputation for being a health-promoting practice, and research backs that reputation. While there are documentedhealth benefits这项研究表明,即使是短期瑜伽计划也可以为整体福祉和生产力带来真正的益处。

Stress Makes The List As A Top Childhood Health Problem

密歇根大学C.S. Mott儿童医院国家民意调查儿童健康排名23对儿童的健康问题,并猜出压力排名的地方?学习更多关于压力和儿童的健康, and how to keep your children less stressed, as well as healthier and happier.



In other words, certain stress management techniques can help you feel less stressedlower your risk for serious illness by a whopping percentage. Read more about慢性病的压力和风险, and find resources to lower your risk.

Exercise Can Increase Resilience Toward Stress

We know that exercise is good for our bodies, but it's also适合我们的压力水平! Researchers studied different types of athletes and found that physical activity can work as a buffer against stress and help build overall resilience to stress.


Researchers have found that a key difference in how stressors at work translate into chronic stress for workers has to do with outlook and how we perceive things. If we feel challenged, we fare better than if we feel threatened. Learn more about将事物视为威胁与挑战,并找到方法可以控制自己的生活。

Stress Can Increase Your Risk of Mortality

伦敦国王学院的研究人员审查了数据,表明,在未来20年内,自我报告的压力与增加的所有原因死亡率有关 - 事实上,压力与各种原因的死亡风险统计相关。这项研究的作者认为这可能是由于以下三种原因的一项或全部。

首先,它可能是that the impact of stress or distress on well-known risk factors for cardiovascular disease and cancer create this link. Second, there might be direct, underlying psychosomatic pathways where stress can affect the immune system or autonomic function.


Managing stress is an important aspect of staying healthy.

Laughter Can Help With Stress—Even Before It Happens

Laughter is a great stress reliever in that it's fun, easy and free. It's also effective even before it happens! That's right, new research shows that even merely anticipating laughter can affect stress hormones in a positive way. Learn more about stress and laughter, and see how that can impact your health.


In a large study, researchers found that lack of control, job awareness, unexpected changes, job strain, and stress could lead to poor cardiac health. How can you keep job stress from impacting your heart? Read more about stress and cardiac health.

Losing Weight May Improve Brain Functioning

压力和体重增加以几种方式挂钩 - 现在这是一个可能导致压力的重量的另一个事实:超重可能会影响大脑的功能。了解有关重量,大脑功能和压力之间的链接的更多信息,并找到低压力,适合和健康的资源。


人们总是谈论感觉“生病和疲惫”,但研究表明,这两个可以一起走到一起,而且两个国家都与压力有关!这就是为什么保持健康的部分是基本的压力管理。万博manbetx是正规公司吗阅读更多信息stress and fatigue,并了解如何管理两者。


这不仅仅是你体验的,甚至是如何处理你的体验 - 你的控制水平believe您在生命中也有所作为您的历史压力。阅读关于控制轨迹并了解有关您对生活的控制的感受如何影响您的压力水平,而且反过来,您的健康会影响您的健康。(还有一个非常有趣的民意调查,也可以查看!)


Your thoughts can affect your health in ways you may not realize. Because of this, it matters what your habitual thought patterns are. (But don't worry--you can change them!)


A few days of not taking care of yourself can add to stress but it can also add to bad habits in other areas of self-care! One study found that those who were sleep-deprived for a few days ended up eating poorly and exercising less--all things that can create and exacerbate stress! Learn more, and find ways tolive healthier and stress less.
