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完美主义may lead to increased feelings of强调和焦虑。以下了解完美主义与恐惧,焦虑和和和恐慌症.

What Is Perfectionism?

In basic terms, perfectionism is the desire to be a perfect or flawless person in various aspects of one's internal or external life. Perfectionism involves exceedingly high standards that one sets out to achieve and a belief that being "perfect" should be strived for. It is thought to be an aspect of one's personality.

There are both positive and negative consequences of perfectionism. On the encouraging side, perfectionism can be a motivating factor in achieving your goals, practicing self-improvement, giving tasks your best, and trying harder in future endeavors. People who use perfectionism in a positive way are often achievement focused and driven, which can help in reaching many aspirations in life.

  • Motivates you to give your best and achieve your goals

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  • Sets you up for failure, disappointment, and procrastination

  • 导致负面自我评估和消极思维


完美主义者也过度关注别人如何看待他们,评估自己的方式self-worthby unattainable accomplishments. Some people become so overwhelmed with such stress and demands of perfectionism that they're unable to start a task. Fear of failure can lead toprocrastination或者永远不会遵循一个人才能实现的目标。


Many people struggle with the negative aspects of perfectionism, and people with disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD),social anxiety disorder和恐慌症可能更容易出现完美主义的问题。


完美主义is usually the result of trying to live up to an internal ideal, but it can also be motivated by fear, such as worrying about how others perceive you. For a person with panic disorder, this may translate into distress about your symptoms, which you may view as shortcomings by which others negatively evaluate you. These beliefs and self-doubts can contribute to avoidance behaviors,loneliness和孤立,甚至萧条.

完美主义通常与消极思维有关。例如,你可以跳到结论and assume that others won’t accept you if they knew about your condition. Perhaps thoughts ofself-blame你believing that it's your own fault that you cannot achieve the standards you've set out for yourself. Negative thinking and perfectionism can deplete your self-worth and make you feel unsuccessful.


完美主义可能会影响你的能力manage your anxietyand other panic disorder symptoms. Through some practice and dedication, you may be able to let go of some of your perfectionism and the extra anxiety that often comes with it. Here are some tips to assist you in the process of coping with perfectionism and panic disorder.




Increase your self-awareness through mindfulness exercises.介意可以让您通过对完美主义的想法来实现术语,让您更加了解您的完善趋势,并让您面对这些思想而不对他们做出反应。通过谨慎的做法,您可以学会放手并释放与完美主义相关的压力。

Improve Your Self-Esteem


Reduce Your Stress



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  • Burns, D. D. (1999). Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy. Avon Books: New York.
  • 烧伤,D.D.(2006)。当恐慌发作时:可以改变你的生活的新无毒焦虑疗法。百老汇书籍:纽约。
  • Kabat-Zinn, J. (2005). Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness. New York: Bantam Dell.