What Is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

A person with OCD washing their hands

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Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition characterized by obsessions and compulsions that interfere with daily life. OCD was formerly classified as an焦虑症因为受这种精神疾病影响的人通常会因痴迷而受到严重的焦虑。他们也可能会从事广泛的仪式,以试图减少由痴迷造成的焦虑。

在最新版本中精神疾病诊断与统计手册(DSM-5),OCD被迁移到其自己的疾病类别的“强迫和相关疾病”。类中的相关条件包括胸膜瘤症hoarding disorder那andTrichotillomania






  • 关于其他人或一个人的侵略性思考
  • 需要以某种顺序拥有一切
  • 对细菌的恐惧
  • 禁止或禁忌主题的不必要的思想,如性别,宗教或伤害他人



Some common compulsions include:

  • 一遍又一遍地计算事物
  • 过度洗涤或清洁
  • 以特定或对称的方式订购事物
  • 重复检查(如检查门口is locked or that the oven is off)


It is important to be aware that not all habits or repetitive behaviors are synonymous with compulsions. Everyone has repeated thoughts or engages in double-checking things from time to time. In order to be diagnosed with OCD, their experience is characterized by:

  • An inability to control their thoughts or behaviors, even when they recognize that they are excessive or irrational
  • 在这些痴迷和强迫症上度过一小时或更长时间
  • 由于这些思想和行为,在日常生活中经历了重大问题和中断
  • 从思想或行为中没有获得乐趣,但从强迫行为中吸引人可能会对思想引起的焦虑来说是一个短暂的救济

ocis a relatively common disease that affects about 2.3% of people over their lifetime. It is experienced equally by men and women and affects all races and cultures.




  • 生物因素:一个理论是,OCD来自大脑中的电路中的击穿,滤除或“审查”我们每天都有许多思想,想法和冲动。如果您有OCD,您的大脑可能难以决定关闭哪些思想和冲动。因此,您可能会遇到痴迷和/或强迫。该系统的分解可能与血清素异常有关。
  • 家史:如果有疾病的家族史,您也可能更有风险。研究表明,如果您,父母或兄弟姐妹有OCD,则会有25%的机会,另一个直接的家庭成员也将拥有它。
  • Genetics: Although a single "OCD gene" has not been identified, OCD may be related to particular groups of genes.
  • Stress:从失业率,教学困难,学校,疾病或分娩问题的压力可能是强制症状的强烈触发。

People who are vulnerable to OCD describe a strong need to control their thoughts and a belief that strange or unusual thoughts mean they are going crazy or will lose control. While many people can have strange or unusual thoughts when feeling stressed, if you are vulnerable to OCD, it may be difficult to ignore or forget about these thoughts. In fact, because these thoughts seem so dangerous, you end up paying even more attention to them, which sets up a vicious cycle.


Obsessive-compulsive disorder can present in a few different ways. Some people experience only obsessions, some only compulsions, while others experience both. There are no official subtypes of OCD, but research suggests that the most common obsessions and compulsions tend to center on:

  • 清洁或害怕污染
  • 需要订单,对称或完美
  • 禁忌思想
  • 收集或囤积


Parents should also be aware of a subtype of OCD in children exacerbated or triggered by strep throat, in which the child's own immune system attacks the brain. This儿科自身免疫性神经精神障碍(PANDAS)OCD的形式占了25%的患儿。








When appropriate, psychotherapy can be done alone or combined with medication. The two main types of psychological therapies for OCD are认知行为治疗(CBT)andexposure and response prevention (ERP) therapy



  • 练习良好的自我保健战略这将帮助您应对压力。压力通常可以触发强迫症状,因此依靠有效和健康的应对方法非常重要。研究表明,睡眠障碍与更严重的OCD症状有关。除了睡眠之外,定期体育锻炼和健康的饮食是生活方式选择,您可以使这将使人们更容易管理生命抛出你的压力和担忧。
  • 尝试放松技巧。为您的放松仪式添加一些有效的工具,如冥想,深呼吸,可视化和逐渐肌肉放松。
  • 找到支持。考虑加入国际OCD基金会等支持小组在线支持集团。这些团体可以帮助与那些与您有同样体验的人交谈。社会支持对心理健康至关重要,支持群体可以是一个有用的资源。

如果您或亲人正在与OCD斗争,请联系Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline1-800-662-4357for information on support and treatment facilities in your area.

For more mental health resources, see our国家助理数据库

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Article Sources
万博手机官网Masewell Mind仅使用高质量的来源,包括同行评审的研究,以支持我们的文章中的事实。读我们社论过程to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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