Diagnosing and Treating OCD Symptoms

Woman looking at computer screen at night

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Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)is ananxiety disorder特征是经常性症状,primarily obsessions, and compulsions. Proper diagnosis and treatment of these OCD symptoms can bring relief.



Common obsessions可以包括对极端顺序的需求;反复怀疑,例如相信你可以用你的车打一个人;侵略性或令人不安的想法,例如谋杀伴侣或孩子的想法;或令人不安的性和宗教图像。


Compulsions are behaviors that you feel you must carry out repeatedly. For example, if you are obsessed with contamination, you might wash your hands over and over again. Other common compulsions include cleaning, counting, checking, requesting or demanding reassurance, and ensuring order and symmetry.

Symptom Types

The way in which OCD symptoms are experienced varies widely from person to person. There are many OCD symptom subtypes, which can vary depending on when the OCD occurs. Some people may even have symptoms of other disorders, such asschizophrenia. Finally, OCD symptoms can appear in response to very specific circumstances, such as infection or the birth of a child.

Compulsive Hoarding

病理或强迫hoarding是一个共同的OCD症状。囤积被定义为获取 - 并且无法抛出大量物品,这些项目似乎对他人几乎没有任何价值。它经常包括妨碍家庭,工作和/或社交生活的严重杂乱。


Although OCD symptoms are accepted as having biological roots, symptoms can't be diagnosed using a blood sample, X-ray or another medical test. A mental health professional such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, family doctor, or nurse with special training will usually make a diagnosis of OCD using medical judgment and experience.

Be sure to speak as honestly as you can about your symptoms so that your health care professional can assist you in the best way possible.


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ocsymptoms were once thought of as difficult to treat, but in reality, more than two-thirds of people with OCD respond well to treatment, including药物, cognitive-behavioral therapy, surgery, and self-help strategies. Discuss with your healthcare provider which treatment option may be best for you, so you can start to reduce the amount of anxiety in your life.

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  • 美国精神病学会。“精神障碍的诊断和统计手册,第4版,文本修订”2000华盛顿特区:作者。