Political elections these days have become quite intense — we have very passionate participants on both sides, and with so much passion on both sides, the side of the candidate who did not win inevitably feels disappointment and stress from having things go the other way. It's important for a nation to be united and move forward after a fiercely fought campaign, and it's important for voters to feel better and less stressed about the results if the results weren't what they hoped for. Here are some strategies for relieving stress about an election.
Set Boundaries
While taking a break from the news, you may also want to expose yourself to new scenery that reduces stress: Take a walk with your family in the evening, go to an exercise class (exercise是一个伟大的压力救济程序,或者尝试一些guided imageryfor a "quick" change of scenery. You’ll be glad you did.
Do Something
人们已经志愿者并参与了高位的政治运动。现在,活动是过去,您可能会享受志愿者对一个重要的事业对您很重要。用压力的能量做点什么可以帮助你deal with your anxiety, give you a sense of control (read here about the benefits of gaining an控制内部轨迹),并注意你的候选人没有赢的压力。
Change Your Focus
Having your candidate not win can be very disappointing. As with other situations where you experience anxiety but have no power to directly change your circumstances, one thing you can do to减轻压力是改变我们的展望。
While you don’t have to be enthusiastic about the other candidate winning, you can reduce the anxiety you feel about the situation by changing what you focus on.
You already know what you don't like about the other candidate, but you might feel better if you looked for qualities or possibilities that you能够feel good about — nobody agrees or disagrees with 100% of another person's views and policies, so chances are good that there are some positives for you in this situation as well. If you look and still can't find anything about this outcome that doesn't feel terrible to you, it might help you feel better to focus on other things in life that bring you happiness, like friends and family. (See this article for more on changing your perspective with认知重组。)
Talk to Someone
It can be very cathartic to talk to friends and family who agree with your political views. Get together and talk about your disappointment, and you may feel better just getting your feelings out; you'll also feel supported and understood. Sometimes just sharing your feelings through journaling helps you to let go. If you find that your feelings are so intense that they're interfering with your regular functioning, you may even want to talk to a professional.
压力是压力。你的压力是来自选举恐惧还是其他东西,有一些标准的压力解封器很重要,你可以让你的袖子保持你当前的压力变为慢性压力,你的压力反应被触发,从未被关闭过。我的一些最喜欢的是呼吸练习, regular exercise,meditation,social support, and journaling.