Using Guided Imagery for Stress Management

肯定 - 积极图像积极 - 罗伯特 - 德意志.jpg
Using guided imagery, you can see yourself walking down a less stressful path. Robert Deutschman / Getty Images

引导图像是一种有效的压力管理t万博manbetx是正规公司吗echnique and has remained popular for several reasons. It can quickly calm your body and simultaneously relax your mind. It's pleasant to practice, and not overly difficult or intimidating to learn. If this sounds like something you can use in your life, read more about when guided imagery is used, and how it may be a useful go-to stress reliever for you.

指导图像can help you to de-stress in minutes, but can also be a useful strategy for maintaining resilience toward stress during difficult times.

Guided Imagery’s Effects on the Body

指导图像has been found to provide significant stress reduction benefits, including physically relaxing the body quickly and efficiently and even helping participants get in touch with deeper levels of wisdom (held on a subconscious level) that would help them better manage their lives in ways that would reduce stress. The studies demonstrating the health benefits of imagery are so numerous that many hospitals are incorporating imagery as an option to help with treatment. Fortunately, it's a simple enough technique that it can be used at home as well, with positive results.




Imagery can provide relaxation, insight, and wisdom. It is a自由压力缓解治疗并且,在实践中,可以在任何地方完成。它可以帮助您在同时缓解身体紧张和心理压力,分散可能会对您强调的东西,并让您进入更积极的心态。通过这种方式,它也可用于中断谣言的模式and can help you to build resources in your life that increase your resilience toward stress by engaging an upward spiral of positivity. (Read more about that here。)

What Are the Cons?


How Does It Compare To Other Stress Reduction Methods?

For the benefits it provides, it’s an excellent stress management option. It can be easier than exercise or even瑜伽对于那些有身体限制的人。它没有一些副作用的风险医疗和草药疗法。使用它以便简单放松很容易,可以只是讨论任何人,但访问内部“指南”需要比其他方法更多的练习进步肌肉放松or呼吸练习。It’s similar toself-hypnosis在那你深深的放松状态,并处理你的潜意识。然而,随着自我催眠,您更常常将想法植入您的潜意识,而图像更多地关注从中提取思想。
