Can Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Treat Addiction?


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认知行为治疗(CBT)是一种可用于帮助治疗物质使用障碍的心理治疗方法。CBT通常用于治疗抑郁症,焦虑症,恐惧症和其他精神障碍,但它也被证明在治疗酗酒和酗酒方面具有重要价值吸毒成瘾。This is especially true when it's part of an overall program of recovery.


CBT uses the same learning processes that led to the development of alcohol and drug dependence in the first place to help people unlearn maladaptive behaviors.




  • Improve self-control
  • Recognize situations in which they are most likely to drink or use drugs
  • 如果可能的话,避免触发情况
  • 制定应对会对触发渴望的情况有所帮助的应对策略
  • 应对可能导致其药物滥用的其他问题和行为


Types of CBT

There are several approaches to CBT. This includes:






  • 在使用该物质之前,你在做什么?
  • How were you feeling?
  • 之前发生的事情是什么?
  • 由于行为而发生的任何积极的事情?
  • What were the negative consequences of your actions?

Functional analysis can also give insight into why they drink or use drugs in the first place. People may examine the situations, emotions, and thoughts that played a role in their drug or alcohol use. This helps identify situations in which the person has coping difficulties.

By better understanding the difficulties that contribute to substance use, people can then look for ways to better manage difficult thoughts, emotions, or situations.

Skills Training

When people are struggling with difficult situations, life stress, trauma, anxiety, depression, or other problems, they sometimes turn to substance or alcohol use as a way to manage. If someone is at the point where they need professional treatment for their, chances are they are using alcohol or drugs as their main means of coping with problems.


  • 帮助个人未知旧习惯,并学会开发更健康的技能和习惯
  • 教育人们有关改变他们对其药物滥用的考虑方式的方法
  • 学习新的方法来应对过去导致他们过去饮酒或吸毒发作的情况和情况




People who have a substance or alcohol use disorder may often struggle with negative feelings or thoughts that make recovery more difficult. Because CBT focuses on identifying and replacing such thought patterns with more adaptive ones, it can help improve a person's outlook and support skills that support long-term recovery.


  • 学习识别自我破坏性的思想和行动
  • 寻找监测此类思想模式的方法
  • 学习新的,更自适应的思维方式
  • Applying skills that have been learned in new situations and settings
  • Exploring new ways to handle stress and difficulties





Research has shown that CBT can be an effective treatment for substance use disorders, both on its own and in combination with other treatment strategies.CBT通常涉及许多不同的干预措施 - 例如操作人员学习策略,技能建设和动机元素 - 可以自行使用或组合使用。

CBT is one of the most researched forms of treatments, so there is an abundance of evidence and support for its use with a variety of mental conditions, including alcohol and substance use disorders. More than 53 randomized controlled trials on alcohol and drug abuse were examined to assess the outcomes of CBT treatment.

Cognitive behavioral treatments are one of the most frequently evaluated psychosocial approaches to treating substance use disorders.



简而言之,认知行为治疗适用于一些,但不是每个人。所有酗酒和所有酗酒都是如此药物治疗方法, because every person deals with and recovers from addiction in a different way.

A Word From Verywell

Cognitive behavioral therapy can be a highly effective choice for treating alcohol and substance use disorders. It can be used on its own or combined with other approaches that work together to support a person's long-term recovery. However, it is not the only option out there, so talk to your doctor about what is available in order to decide what approach is best for your needs.



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