Drinking Too Much Caffeine
Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, some soft drinks, chocolate, and some over-the-counter medications. It is a stimulant that increases alertness and heart rate.
For many, caffeine improves feelings of well-being and improves mood as it increases the levels of多巴胺在你的大脑;但是,这是暂时的效果。对于一些人来说,咖啡因可以增加焦虑。研究表明,患有焦虑症的人可能会增加对咖啡因的敏感性。
If you can't eliminate caffeine completely, try at least cutting back to see if you notice an improvement in your anxiety. If you normally consume two cups of coffee a day, try lowering it to one and see if you notice a difference.
Not Getting Enough Sleep
Research shows that people with insomnia are more at risk for developing anxiety disorders. If you suffer from insomnia, meet with your doctor to discuss medication options or try using strategies on your own to improve your sleep.
Sticking to a regular sleep schedule as much as possible may help, as will sleeping a set number of hours. If you normally go to bed at 10 pm but lie awake until 1 AM and then don't get up until 8 am, try to instead go to bed later, such as at 11:30 pm, and setting your alarm for 6:30 am. This gives you 7 hours of sleep, and you'll probably find it easier to fall asleep at a later time.
Regular intense exercise such as running can help alleviate anxiety, while being sedentary may worsen your social anxiety. During exercise, you release endorphins that give you a feeling of well-being and may reduce anxiety. Incorporateregular exercise进入你的生活,以提高你的社交焦虑。
Consider joining a gym, attending exercise classes, or signing up for a local running group to expose yourself to more social situations.
Eating Certain Foods
任何诱导类似的食物symptoms of social anxiety(e.g., jitters, sweating, or a racing heart) may make your social anxiety worse.
While not unhealthy, extremely spicy foods may also aggravate anxiety, so it's best to manage your consumption of these foods if your social anxiety is not under control.
有些人抽烟,试图缓解紧张局势anxiety。Research has shown that smoking cigarettes may be linked to an increased risk of anxiety disorders. The effect of cigarette smoking on your anxiety may be related to the indirect effects of the habit of breathing, as well as the direct effects ofnicotine在你的身体上。
Not only will quitting smoking be better for your social anxiety, but it will also be better for your overall health. If you choose just one of these 5 bad health habits to work on quitting today, this is the one.
Using Alcohol as a Crutch